Fort Worth Invitational

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes

Q. You played spectacular golf. You and Justin throwing haymakers at east other. How much fun was it out there?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, it was fun. I felt like every hole one of us had a birdie. It was pretty impressive. Justin played well. Hat's off to him.

Any time you can come into a lead with four shots and play the way he did today, that's impressive.

Q. Confidence builder for you after the injury. 42nd at Wells Fargo; PLAYERS, 11th. Shot that 63 in the final round. With this effort now going forward, you got to be beaming with your game.
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, feel like I'm playing really well. You know, for some reason over the past two years I feel like we probably had more second place finishes than anybody.

That's kind of disappointing. At the same time, I'm playing well. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks.

Q. 300 feet plus worth of putts the last three days. The flat stick was superb.
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I rolled it really well, especially today. Today I felt like I hit every line. Just need to keep doing what I'm doing and be ready to defend the title at the Open.

Q. 17 under, second-place finish. If this morning I told you today you would shoot a 63 and still finish three shots behind Justin, would you believe me?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Probably not. It was very impressive the way he played all day. He never backed off. Never really gave an opportunity for anybody to get in there.

Yeah, hat's off to him; he played well.

Q. You haven't had as much opportunity to play golf as much as you would like because of your wrist injury. How much more gratifying is this finish?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I wouldn't say it's gratifying, to be honest with you. I feel like it's annoying. I feel like we've had so many second-place finishes. Always seem to run into a buzz saw, whatever it is.

You know, just build on it. I'm playing well, so just go out in Memphis and play well, and obviously the U.S. Open hopefully defend the title.

Q. You are as fierce as they get in terms of competing. How much did you and Justin fuel and push each other today?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, it was actually quite fun, to be honest with you. He played so well. It was impressive to watch. His ball striking was very, very impressive today. He's putting well. Making a lot of putts. It was fun. Just ever about hole I feel like he birdied.

Q. Just comments about your round and the fight you put up today.
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, felt like I played really well. Made a lot of putts today. I felt like Rosey never really gave me a chance to kind of come back into the golf tournament.

Very happy the way I played, but hat's off to him. Very impressive golf today from the both of us.

Q. You got within three after No.4 and he comes back and makes the long putt for birdie on 5. Is that where you kind of knew this was his day?
BROOKS KOEPKA: No, not at all. I mean, I still thought we had a chance coming down -- if I make the putt on 16 and he misses it it may be a different story. Never know.

But after coming down 18 you kind of know. Just kind of laugh and kind of enjoying it in the moment right there.

Q. (Indiscernible.)
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, it's nice to be here. Obviously my first time here, so happy to be here. I like the golf course. It's a fun event.

But, you know, it's nice to finally be playing well and get going into the season. Kind of peaking right where I need to be.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2018-05-27 22:19:00 GMT

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