Charles Schwab Challenge

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jay Monahan

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about how exciting it is to see what Charles Schwab has brought to this event?
JAY MONAHAN: It's just really exciting. Any time that you know that the sponsor you have will not be extending and there is a period of time that you don't know what the future is. To come back here and to know that we've got Charles Schwab not just as a sponsor, but as a company that's made an enormous commitment to the entire marketplace with their employee base is going to be here for a long time, is passionate about Forth Worth and Texas, and really with Chuck himself, really understands the game and the importance of this event and its rich history and tradition.

Then to come here and see the '73 Dodge Challenger and see his commitment and passion for the game manifest itself in the Charles Schwab Challenge brand, it's really gratifying. I've spent a lot of time with the team here at Colonial Country Club through the years, and I just feel like the tournament has never been in a better place. Just going to be exciting to see it blossom.

Q. How important is it for Tour events to do stuff like this?
JAY MONAHAN: I think it's really important. You know, when you look at the tournament, everybody has a lot of options in terms of how they spend their time, how they invest their money as it relates to their own entertainment.

And so an event that's got a history like this going back to '46 that's pushing itself, modernizing, becoming more innovative and fan friendly and kid friendly, that's why you have events on the PGA Tour that are as long-standing and successful as they are.

One of the things I admire most about the people that run our tournaments and the host organizations like Colonial Country Club is kind of like what Chuck was saying about the game of golf. Every tournament, you can have the greatest tournament and there is always a couple things maybe you could have done differently or do the next year.

So it really is analogous to the game in that you're always trying to get better. You know that the better you get more people show up and more impact you'll have in the community.

Q. Do you feel like the split between the Nelson and Colonial given the major in between, do you feel like that's been well received by players and fans?
JAY MONAHAN: Yeah, you know, anything that you see as it relates to the schedule, again, it's a season-long change. I think we'll look at how it all performs at the end the year. Everything we've seen is what we would've expected, and that is that every event on or tour is a really strong event.

We've got great golf courses, great markets, and it's challenging for guys to pick their schedule. That's a good problem to have, but we're really thrilled with the way the AT&T Byron Nelson performed; we're thrilled with the trajectory that that golf course in on with positive word of mouth.

Then to be here early in the week, have a really strong player field with a new sponsor and a lot of energy in Fort Worth, I think all that is part of -- those outcomes are attributable to the changes we made in our schedule.

Q. Looking ahead, 2027 PGA Championship is played Dallas.

Q. How will that affect scheduling moving forward?
JAY MONAHAN: I think you look to U.S. Open this year. We played the AT&T Pebble Beach in February. Going to be there in June. Look at Quail Hollow.

We've had a number of events where we've had PGA Tour events and that same golf course has hosted a major championship later that year. In each instance our events that year, the PGA Tour event, has grown. So because there was an infrequency to it, it actually creates broader energy or more energy in a given year.

Certainly wouldn't want to do it every year. I think a market like this, one of the greatest golf markets in our country, the numbers, size, scale of the market can support them both. That's what will happen.

Q. You mentioned the Nelson. Some players have been vocal about their displeasure with the course. Do you think two years is too early to make any determination on...
JAY MONAHAN: I'll tell you, I was involved in running a tournament in Boston, Deutsche Bank. This goes back to 2003. It was out first year and TPC Boston had only opened up year and a half prior to our first event. Early on when you get a new golf course that nobody has played, you get a lot of varying perspectives.

Again, it's a little long view. The bones of that golf courses, so many positive things and the course is maturing. Every week you're going to hear different perspectives, but I think overall I was really pleased with the feedback I heard come from our players coming out of the second year. I feel really good about the path it's on.

Q. One more question: For golf fans and members here, how do they look at the future of these tournaments in terms of securing this place? Last year a lot of people were scared, it's going to go away, it's going to the fall. How can they feel good about this beyond just a four-year commitment with an option for the fifth? Is that the world we live in now?
JAY MONAHAN: Been here since 1946. Been in essentially the same spot in our schedule. Been a lot of change in our schedule. This hasn't changed. I don't see it changing. It's a critical part of -- it's the history, the tradition, the passionate fan base, the success we've had, the impact we've had, we'll do everything we can to make certain these events are here.

The beauty is when you have sponsors like AT&T and Charles Schwab, I feel really good about where we are. Really do.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-22 16:07:00 GMT

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