Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. Even before the tournament began you were smiling because you put smiles on kids' faces this week with the Brighter Smiles Initiative. Your wife, Jennifer, a dentist, this is just a perfect charity for guys to be involved with.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, no, it's been great. We started it some years back back in Amarillo with Dr. Sparkman, and now with Dr. Chris Swayden, in my workshop here in DFW, we're able to provide dental care for kids less fortunate, unable to have the braces they need to go on with their life.

These kids today, their self-esteem can be brought down a lot by what they have in their mouth and teeth. We are able to come in and give these kids the necessary dental work they need to brighten their day.

Q. So nice for you and your foundation to be involved in that. And a good round of golf for you. Any time you get around Colonial bogey-free it's a good day, isn't it?
RYAN PALMER: It was a good day. It was real solid worked on a flighted shot on the range because I knew I was going to need it around this golf course with the winds. Never really got in trouble. Made some good par saves from three, four, five feet. Never really got it close enough to make some more birdies. Didn't play the par-5s great. Overall, 2-under, no bogeys, great shape.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-23 18:32:00 GMT

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