Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jonas Blixt

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress. ) Then you played the rest of the day 4-under and bogey-free. Tell me more about that 3-under round.
JONAS BLIXT: Well, I been playing pretty good lately, so didn't get stressed out at all about the bogey on the 1st. Was able to bounce back pretty quick on 11.

Yeah, feel pretty comfortable about my game and just chugging along. You got to be very patient out there because it's so windy. Try to take advantage of your chances and hit greens is good.

Q. Yeah, patience was the key word with gusts up to 30 miles per hour. How were you able to maintain that patience and turn it into one of the better rounds in the afternoon?
JONAS BLIXT: I don't know. Just kind of the way I am, I guess. Just have a caddie that kind of keeps you kind of flat during the round. Just got to take one shot at a time like everyone says.

Q. Did you pick your chances? Had to be a really good number and had to be a good location for you to go at the holes?
JONAS BLIXT: I don't know. Just kind of dropped a couple holes. I just hit inside of ten feet and I made those three putts I think, that's it pretty much. I two-putted pretty much the rest. Bit boring out there, but I like boring today.

Q. One question: You were already talking to the sign bearer about it, but the pre-shot routine, talk me through that.
JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, so started a few years ago. I think it was my swing coach at the time. He told me, because my left-hand grip tends to get a little strong, so in order to keep it neutral I take my left hand arm and I just like I will drop and I point the top of my hand towards the sky, like 90 degrees towards the sky.

If my club face is also neutral at the same time, then I know I have a neutral left-hand grip. There is a bunch of ways to do it but that one works for me. When I stop doing it I start hitting it left because I get too strong.

So it's kind of worked for me pretty well. It looks a little ridiculous I know, but it's either that or not playing good, so...

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-23 22:33:00 GMT

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