Charles Schwab Challenge

Friday, May 24, 2019

Rory Sabbatini

Quick Quotes

Q. How about that? You got it all done before noon here at Colonial. Well-played. Tell me about your round.
RORY SABBATINI: Thanks. I appreciate that, Fred. Yeah, no, the conditions this morning were a little bit more playable than yesterday afternoon. Greens were in better shape this morning obviously. The course is still playing tough. Showing some pretty good teeth out there.

Q. A 4-under even par on your inward nine. Happy with that or disappointed that you left something out there?
JACQUI CONCOLINO: You know, I gave myself a lot of opportunities and I was able to capitalize on a few of them. Made a couple mistakes out there, but that's going to happen.

All things considered, I think if you go out and shoot red numbers in these conditions, you can be happy with it.

Q. Your career plateaued a little bit after racking up a bunch of early wins. Do you have the same feeling coming back this weekend? You have to be looking forward to it.
RORY SABBATINI: I'm feeling a lot better than I did. Played quite a few years injured, so battled through that. Starting to feel back up to 100%, so took a while to recover from my surgery.

Q. Can you recall any hole locations we should be looking out for this afternoon?
RORY SABBATINI: A lot of good ones out there. Obviously some tricky ones on 7, 9; 8 is a dicey one in the front. There is no letdown on this golf course. Every hole out there requires your attention and you being precise.

Q. Just get some opening comments on your round if we can, please.
RORY SABBATINI: You know, all in all was able to just mostly keep my drives in position out there today. Obviously if you can eliminate having to try and do too much recovery out there you give yourself some opportunities to make some birdies.

Obviously on the start of the back nine gave myself some good opportunities and turned in 4-under, so that kind of got the round started. Conditions are not going to be easy, and as day goes on it's going to get tougher out there.

Q. You know this course as well as anyone. You won back in '07. How so id you think the course is playing this year?
RORY SABBATINI: The wind is making the course play pretty tough. It's been quite a few years since we've had some good strong winds out here. The wind and the tightness of this golf course, that's the defense it has.

There is no letdown out there. Every single shot requires your attention out there today.

Q. Seems like you're having a pretty good year. Would you say you're flying under the radar? Seems like you're in the mix making a lot cuts.
RORY SABBATINI: I'm putting myself in position, giving myself a lot opportunities. It's the old rule of thumb: keep knocking on the door; it's eventually going to open.

I can't say whether or not this will be my week, but all I can do is go out and put two more solid rounds together on the weekend and see how that all adds up.

Q. Are you still Texan? Still home for you?
RORY SABBATINI: No, no. I'm Slovakian now.

Q. Your current form, when is the last time you felt like you had this kind of stretch?
RORY SABBATINI: You know, obviously I've had spurts in my career of having good play and being in good form. I've never been in the position where I'm playing as consistently week in and week out as I have been over the last six to eight weeks.

Each week seems to be getting better, and it's enjoyable. This is a lot of fun.

Q. Kind of feel like this is going to happen once you got past all the...
RORY SABBATINI: You know what? I knew it would take some time to fully recover. That's just unfortunate. But that's the body. It does take time.

I feel like I'm back to 100%, so I just wish I had done this a long time ago.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-24 16:56:00 GMT

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