Charles Schwab Challenge

Friday, May 24, 2019

Jonas Blixt

Quick Quotes

Q. Jonas, let's talk about today. Bogey-free round. You played really solid for two days, but today especially was something good.
JONAS BLIXT: I think probably played as good today as I did yesterday. It was just way windier yesterday and I kept ball in play and was way more patient. Today I got a little closer to the hole and took advantage of my opportunities. Yeah, it's been two really good days for me.

Q. 17 was a nice shot; 132 yards out. Tell us about that.
JONAS BLIXT: Well, I played Tuesday and Thursday and I hit the ball long, so today I played it the exact yardage and it just worked out. Just one of those kind of lucky things you do sometimes.

Q. You were bogey-free. Kevin was bogey-free. Very rare two guys shoot so low and don't have a bogey. Did you feel the Karma from Kevin a little bit?
JONAS BLIXT: Not really.

Q. No?
JONAS BLIXT: He's a really nice guy and I enjoy playing with him. Ted as well. I mean, obviously it's nice to see good shots coming off club faces, seeing birdies go instead of bogeys or something like that. Maybe it has something to do with it.

No, just kind of play my game and that's it.

Q. The game is good right now. I've been with you when you won at Safeway, Greenbrier, saw you win the team championship. Is the came coming back to that level?
JONAS BLIXT: I think I played pretty good this year. Obviously not had the good finishes yet, but it's been up there a bunch of times. If you slow down a little bit or if you don't put the -- just trying to make birdies all the time people are going to pass you. That's pretty much what I been looking for, a good weekend.

The test is going to be this weekend, if I can have a good weekend or not. Been top 10 a lot this year, so hopefully I can have a good weekend.

Q. Nice day. Some comments on your round.
JONAS BLIXT: Just a solid day of golf for me. Yesterday was as good as today. Just harder conditions yesterday. Kept the ball in play. Yeah, good tee shots. Decent second shots. Putter was semi hot.

Yeah, pretty much it.

Q. How do you compare the conditions yesterday afternoon to this morning?
JONAS BLIXT: Had to have more patience yesterday because it was so much more windy and just kind of tried to keep the ball in play. Today you can actually go at some pins and be a little bit more aggressive and try to make birdies.

Yesterday was kind of try to take care of what you got. Yeah, that's the difference.

Q. You feel like this was coming on, this kind of round today and this performance this week? Were you trending this way?
JONAS BLIXT: I feel like I have. Obviously you have to play really well in order to stand where I am right now. Had low rounds but just haven't had enough good low rounds to be standing here.

Feel like I've been trending for a while. Just need to have a good weekend. That's what I haven't been doing lately, so...

Q. Working on anything specific lately?
JONAS BLIXT: No. I'm getting old. (Laughter.) It's kind of the same thing. Tried some other stuff last two years that didn't work out. Kind of went back to what I used to do. Been playing a lot better since.

Q. What were you trying?
JONAS BLIXT: Trying to hit a draw. Had some back problems for about two years, so that wasn't really working out too well. Nice to be back. Sometimes you just got to be you.

Q. Why did you feel like you had to hit a draw?
JONAS BLIXT: I just felt like I had that little knock-down punch shot that worked out really well for me. I feel like a lot of golf courses coming down the stretch kind of draw-biased sometimes, and I was hitting that knock-down draw shot so well I kind of got to go with it.

I hit probably 50% good and 50% bad with it, so didn't really work out.

Q. When you get back pain like that, does it make it sweeter when you get past that and start to feel better and you're playing as well as you're playing right now?
JONAS BLIXT: I think I a lot of guys have back pains on this tour. We hide it pretty well.

Yeah, I mean, going through that you really go through some lows sometimes that you didn't think was there. You're so young and dumb sometimes. Getting a little older you experience a lot more things. You start to appreciate some things you went through when you had some success as a youngster.

Yeah, it's a little sweeter I'm going to say.

Q. Talk about the club for the eagle, yardage in, and the reaction.
JONAS BLIXT: Well, I was trying to do it, so...

No, so the last two times I played that hole it's been the same kind of wind. We been thinking it's like left-to-right wind or almost into us, so today I just played with a little bit more like a little downwind. Yeah, it worked out.

Q. Club and yardage?
JONAS BLIXT: Hit a little pitching wedge from 132.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-24 17:57:00 GMT

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