Charles Schwab Challenge

Friday, May 24, 2019

Trey Mullinax

Quick Quotes

Q. Great week so far, but got off to a rough start. What happened on Wednesday?
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, on Wednesday kind of had an accident on or last hole of the pro-am. Kind of caught a beamer to the back of the head. A little toe shank, I guess. Had to go to the hospital; got some CT scans; everything was good. I had a mild concussion.

Kind of one of those freak accidents you don't want to happen, but good Lord, could have been worse. Happy for the results.

Q. Didn't seem like it impacted your play. How did you feel on the golf course?
TREY MULLINAX: Might've knocked some sense into me, to be honest. My wife always says I have a hard head. Kind of took my mind off golf a little bit, to be honest with you. The just try to get through. Had some headaches yesterday later on afternoon when it got hot, so today just tried to stay hydrated and have fun.

Q. Did you go through a concussion protocol?
TREY MULLINAX: Yeah, I mean, we just went to the hospital. We did some CT scans to make sure there was no swelling on the inside or anything like that. So, yeah, we did all the precautions and did all the tests to make sure everything was good and I was able to play on Thursday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-24 23:37:00 GMT

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