Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, May 25, 2019

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. How aware were you on the golf course of anything that's going on? There was a moment when Kevin had a tough time on 11. Were you aware of that?
C.T. PAN: Yeah, I was. When I was 14 I was 9-under and I saw I was leader on the leaderboard so I was kind of shocked.

But I know the course is playing hard. Trying to focus on every single shot out there.

Q. What's the mindset going into tomorrow down probably two or three shots?
C.T. PAN: I think I'm going to look at the hole locations, kind of form a plan. I mean, players like me, I need to play smart. Some holes I can go for it; some holes I cannot. That's just the way I need to play in order to shoot the best scores out there. Hopefully that will be good enough to secure a W.

Q. Couple weeks ago at RBC Heritage when you won you began the round two shots back. Going to be starting the day tomorrow couple shots back. How does that experience being in the hunt and winning, can you pull from that?
C.T. PAN: I mean, I'm sure the experience at RBC helped me to get here. I feel more comfortable on Sunday for sure. I know what I need to do in order to become the leader. I guess I'm just trying to get some good shots out there and hopefully I will hit some putts and that will be good enough.

Q. How would you compare Harbor Town and here?
C.T. PAN: To here? The courses? They are very similar. Obviously Harbor Town it was close to the ocean, especially last three holes. I mean, when we play there last three hole was blowing 30 miles. Before that was just blowing five to ten so you got to adjust to that quickly otherwise you will lose shots.

But here it's just blowing consistently 10 to 25. You just kind of need to adapt right away. A little bit different strategy I guess.

Q. What was it like playing with Jordan in a hometown event?
C.T. PAN: Great. I mean, I played bunch of junior golf and, many amateur events with Jordan Spieth and we are good friends. Obviously I'm a little bit shy so I don't talk much, but he's great guy. I love playing with him, and watching him draining putts just reminds me back of junior golf. He's always really about good putter. So was good to watch him play that well.

Q. What's it like tonight before the final round when you're in a good position to take home the trophy? (Indiscernible.)
C.T. PAN: Honestly I usually get pretty excited so I don't sleep much. Do the same routine. Go to bed at 10:30, 10:00, get up 6:00, maybe do some workout and just kind of doing kind of normal what I've been doing.

So seems like it's working so I'm going to keep that routine.

Q. Before you won at Harbor Town, did you have a plaid jacket in your closet?
C.T. PAN: No, no. I mean, I never thought I would look good in it. I look okay I guess, and people say I look good the plaid jacket, so I'm happy with that.

Q. (Indiscernible.)
C.T. PAN: There is always room for another one, any jacket.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-25 21:49:00 GMT

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