Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. Jordan, another beautiful putting round for you. I thought maybe some inconsistent driving cost you some greens in regulation and took away some possible birdie opportunities. Your thoughts?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the stats show four fairways. I think I was in three or four first cuts, and then I had two or three balls that were one foot into the rough, and out here it may as well be 10 yards into the rough. It doesn't make a difference. It's not as far off as it shows. It was just one of those days where it was kind of holding on the edge and then they didn't quite stay in the fairways. But 12 greens was really solid for only hitting four fairways, and obviously tomorrow I'd like to improve on the ball-striking.

Q. Back to the positives, your putting. 127 feet in putts, 434 feet in putts for the week already.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, out of a possible thousand feet of putts considering I'm 40 feet on every hole, so at some point some of them are going to go in. My speed control has been really good this week. I hit one on 9 six feet by today, and for most of last year that was a decent putt, and I was actually really upset about that, and when I feel myself frustrated at that, it's actually kind of a good thing. It means I'm -- right when I strike it, I've got really good awareness of how hard I'm hitting it, how fast it needs to be, and it's been really, really solid inside 15 feet, so I'm very pleased with that, more than the long ones going in. Those -- some weeks they go, some weeks they don't. But the 15 feet and in are what I've really put a lot of work into, and I'm proud to see some results.

Q. What's the mindset going into tomorrow a couple shots off the lead?
JORDAN SPIETH: I think you probably don't have to do as much as you think out here. When you turn to No. 12, really when you get to like No. 9 tee box, anything under par from there in is pretty solid. You know, I'd like to hit more greens in regulation, and in order to do that, I've probably got to be playing out of more fairways. It just comes down to ball-striking. I think I had one birdie look inside 50 feet today, and I missed it. It just -- I'm going to need more than that, and so it was an off day ball-striking, but it felt better than the other two days, even though it may not show it that way.

Q. When you've putted as well as you have this week, is that something you wanted to work on after the round, or do you feel like you're in a good spot and you want to go work on other stuff?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, this is my third week in a row, and I feel like I'm progressing nicely. I feel like I've been playing well, so less is more. I didn't go to the range after yesterday. I won't do anything after today. It's more important for me to save energy at this point, given I've got a -- could potentially feel like a long day tomorrow in the thick of things, and then go to a place next week that if you're putting well can serve you really well.

No, I don't have any reason to go work on it. I may come out for like an early session of short-range putting tomorrow, but that's it.

Q. When you talk about wanting to hit the ball a little bit better, your ball-striking, is it really just a question of trusting what you've been working on all this time?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, 100 percent. I'll line up on some tees and play the safer shot just because of where I was earlier this year, and it's not the shot that's -- it makes the fairway half as wide, to play a fade on certain holes versus holding the wind. I just don't quite trust it yet. But it's -- the progress that's been made up until this point is massive. I think if I looked statistically from really Sony on, my tee to green here, to gain anything on the field, I haven't gained strokes on the field tee to green but maybe one other week this year. So the putting has given me a chance to win, but the tee to green isn't where it needs to be by any means. But it's a work in progress, just as I said with my putting all last year. So I have confidence in what we're doing. It's just about going out and trusting it. I have no reason not to trust it. I don't need to finish high. I don't need to win. There's no reason for me not to trust every swing tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2019-05-25 22:31:00 GMT

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