Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Andrew Putnam

Quick Quotes

Q. What a nice race to the finish line for you. You almost snuck in the birdie on 18 to birdie three of last four holes. Definitely going to be another top 10 finish for you.
ANDREW PUTNAM: Yeah, I was feeling pretty good there; 17 my ball I think hit a pretty big bump and just came up an inch short. Should've gone in. Then 18 I had a good chance, so felt good to be in that spot.

Q. You had 20 birdies out here this week. That is an awful lot on in windy conditions on a tough golf course.
ANDREW PUTNAM: Yeah, I feel like this course really fit my game really. I'm a pretty good putter and felt like I could start rolling it on my line on the weekend, and, yeah, played great.

Q. You've had kind of an unusual season. You had success early finishing second at the Sony, and then you took some time off for the birth of your baby girl. Seems like you've rejoined the schedule and are now playing well again.
ANDREW PUTNAM: Yeah, took a little time off. Game just felt a little bit off. Taking three week to be home just a lot of adjustment and not a lot of sleeping. Just finally felt like any game is starting to click again and hitting where my eye is looking, so I am excited for the rest of the year.

Q. You're projected to finish in the top 30 now FedExCup points. That is awesome.
ANDREW PUTNAM: Yeah, that's great. Back on track.

Q. What about some the hole locations coming in? What should our leaders be looking out for?
ANDREW PUTNAM: Yeah, some good pins coming in. 16 obviously is a very gettable birdie hole; 17 if you hit it in the fairway, same thing. Got to hit a nice little cut shot in there. 18 is a tough pin. On that fairway you have a right-to-left lie so you're able to draw it, especially with a right-to-left wind, so guys can hit it pretty close.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-26 21:34:00 GMT

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