Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. Another top 10 finish in the Charles Schwab Challenge, your home club. I think it's a great week for you. How do you look at it?
RYAN PALMER: You know, it was. Tying for sixth I think is always a great week on the PGA for sure. In my mind I didn't think I hit the ball as well as I could have, but my short game was great this week. After last week the way I played to come out and play the way I did, I'm very pleased that.

But being the home course, when I got off to a good starting today and turning in at 3-under for the day and 8-under I thought, Okay, this is going to be a good back nine. From there just didn't happen, so some part disappointed.

Q. Strung together three birdies in a row in the opening nine and then didn't pick up another one until 17. Was the rough more difficult as the week went on?
RYAN PALMER: No, I mean, the rough was there all week. You knew you could get bad lies, good lies, and you knew if it was going to fly or not.

So that's what I love about this golf course. You don't have to lengthen it. It still plays up to the game today. All you need is a little wind, a little rough, and look, the winner is going to shoot maybe 12-under.

This golf course is so good. The players love it. They love coming here, and I'm proud to be a member.

Q. Absolutely. Four rounds in the 60s; another top 10. One of these days your name is going on that wall.
RYAN PALMER: It would be nice. You dream of that. I dream of that all the time for sure. I've got plenty more cracks at it I know. Keep plugging along.

Q. ...this week just because of the course knowledge has that been...
RYAN PALMER: I wouldn't say expectations. Want. You know, the want to win so bad. All the members here, so there is so probably a little more pressure I put on myself to win.

But it's hard. I know it is. When I do get a chance and get close the blood gets going and you start thinking about it, thinking about it, what if we do pull this off? I don't expect myself to win, no.

Q. When you play like this and you put four rounds in the 60s and you kind of get that close and just can't get there, is it frustrating especially on the back nine?
RYAN PALMER: You know, I'm not going to say frustrating. To me I'm more disappointed by it just because of how bad I wanted it. I'm not frustrated because I know I played some pretty good golf and I survived when my golf was bad.

Pretty excited the way my short game was this week. I didn't think I had my A Game at all from tee to green. I don't know what the stats will show, but I don't think I hit it that well as my expectations for my ball striking.

You know, we'll take a week off and enjoy it and get ready for Canada.

Q. If you had played like you did in Zurich you think it might have been a different outcome? How much of a difference between here and Zurich?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, didn't make much this week either putting-wise. I mean, my putting was solid because I was having to get up and down a lot. It was a different grind this week than I have in the past. You know, I didn't hit the ball as well and my short game is not very good if you look at the stats around the green. This week was pretty spot on I thought.

So now it's just a matter of putting it all together again. We'll have another chance to win again I believe.

Q. You had a scrambling 3-under on the front, disappointment on the back.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, very disappointed on the back. I was out there two, three shots back going into the back nine. Great chance on 10, and to bogey 11, I think that was kind of the dagger. Can't bogey that hole.

And then of course 12. But I had some great up and downs again coming down the stretch. Great birdie on 17. Thought I made (indiscernible). Tied for sixth, can't be too disappointed with a top 6.

Q. Hit eight of nine greens on the front nine. A lot of times you were coming out of sand. You got things done out of the sand.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, it's like hitting it out of the fairway these bunkers here, the fairway bunkers. So just one of those days. Hard golf course. The wind is whipping around and you got to be pretty precise to attack these pins.

Just wasn't there on the back.

Q. You realize this is the third time that you have shot four rounds under par here at Colonial.
RYAN PALMER: I didn't know that but I know I've had some good golf here. I'm going to have a lot more cracks at it I believe, it's just you want it so bad so. There are so many people out here following me and rooting for me, so at the end of the day you kind of kick yourself a little bit.

Q. How sweet was that tap-in birdie on 17?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, I don't know how it went in; on 18 either. It's a funny game of golf.

Q. The support that you get out here, we all know from the Metroplex plus back in Amarillo, it gets you going for from this tournament, doesn't it?
RYAN PALMER: It does. That is probably where some of the pressure I put on myself to want to play so well here in front of these folks, the membership here, my family, those from Amarillo, here from Fort Worth. The support is unbelievable. Warms my heart to know I have that many people following me.

And you want to perform in front of them. I did. Just come up short again. But I think all in all a good week. But come up short on that in the world rankings, so I'll do Monday of Canada in Toronto. I'm going try that qualifier there. Not many people there, which is nice.

But I've got another chance to finish top 60 in the world after Canada to get into Pebble. Two cracks as I look at it.

Q. Is there anything you particularly want to work on on your week off?
RYAN PALMER: I think to me just going to work on hitting the ball a little more solid. Hit some good shots this week. Just consistently didn't do it. We'll put some work on the irons and driver with Randy and I'll be good and ready to go.

Q. 11 did not treat you good over the weekend. Went right both times. Just was difficult to get down with a par and bogey.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, driver struggle this week. 11 just got me. Easier holes can get you and you can birdie the hard holes.

Q. The best part early in the week, you got to give credit for what you did for your Brighter Smiles Initiative, another great deal.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, no it was a great week obviously getting to meet the (indiscernible) family, you know dental care that Sr. Swayden provided them through our Brighter Smiles Initiative. Always great to see the kids we've helped.

Going to help a lot more kids in the future and it's an awesome time.

Q. And you're a favorite guy around here.
RYAN PALMER: So far so it's been good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-26 22:11:00 GMT

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