Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. If we can get some comments on your final round and on the week as a whole, please.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, just a tough start. I mean, you want to be 1- or 2-under through the first couple holes and playing 1 and 2 1-over was tough because you know the guys around you are going to be making some birdies.

Felt like I only missed four swings today. Felt like i hit the ball better today. I putted the same as every other round. Burned a lot of lips and I caught -- you know, a couple of my missed shots just happened to be where they just couldn't be.

But I was swinging the club better today than the entire week. It's just kind of funny how the score won't show it.

Q. You talked about progress. Is this another step in the way?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah. I actually hit the ball better than I did last week. Felt like I improved on my putting as well. I mean, I hit I don't know, six or seven lips today, and that happens.

But, yeah, I think I made progress this week, and I know exactly what I need to work on before I start on Thursday next week in my swing to make it even better.

I have kind of been moving between a couple different swings through this week, and the one I had today is the right move. I've just got to get some repetitions in with it to fine tune it. It was the best I drove the ball for sure. It's just the shots I misses were because I overdid I was I was trying to do. I didn't trust I was doing it right.

So I would get around my body nicely, but then I just have some much scar tissue with those going out to the right that I pull across them, but I don't need to anymore. So I'm actually better off than I thought I was, and it actually hurt me today in a weird way.

So when I look back it's just frustrating to be a few over on the round when I feel like I was actually swinging the club pretty well.

Q. How hard is it when Kevin jumps out to a lead like that? (Indiscernible.)
JORDAN SPIETH: I wasn't really. Again, my goal today wasn't to come out and win or go home. I knew if I did what my game plan was that I would have a chance to win on the last few holes. That's all I was trying to do.

I figured he would be under par. The guy this week I think he hit 80% of his fairways. This is the hardest course to hit fairways on. It's very difficult to make bogeys when you're in the fairways. I can tell you that it's not that difficult to make bogeys when you're not in the fairway.

So I thought the magic number today was probably four for a playoff and five for a win. That's very difficult to do around Colonial if you force yourself to have to do that. You would like to be in a position to only have to shoot 2- or 3-under.

I could have done more the first few days to make today easier on me. All in all, I'm pleased with the week as a whole. A little disappointed today.

Q. You said the other day you could only expect to make one or two of those bombs a week. Do you think the odds caught up with you?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, the putts that I hit today, especially the first six holes, were the exact same as the ones that I hit the last three days, and they just get to the hole and when they dive left or right, they were high, low. I mean, there was nothing to them.

Then I missed a couple of them and started to just -- the hole just started to look a little smaller today. That can happen on random days. 17 was flabbergasted by the fact that that putt missed. It was straight up the hill. I lined it up right center. Gravity would take it to maybe miss left and it somehow broke right. I just misread a number of putts today just by half a Cup. Just get days like that sometimes.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-26 22:22:00 GMT

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