Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, May 26, 2019

C.T. Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. Thoughts on your round today?
C.T. PAN: Played solid all day long. You know, I hit a lot of good shots off the tee but somehow my ball just managed to be off the fairway couple times and give myself a really tough lie. So it's hard to attack the pins out there.

The wind, it's always windy. It's kind of crazy. I think it's crazier today. But I only birdie two birdies, the first and last, so it wasn't my best, but I somehow manage to minimize my damage.

I'm pretty happy.

Q. What about your thoughts on the week as a whole tournament out here going 8-under?
C.T. PAN: Good. I mean, I finished tied for third or something like that. Good. I mean, always top 10 is always been my goal, so I'm happy with the way I play. Just can't wait for two weeks off and get ready for the U.S. Open.

Q. You're projected to go inside the top 30 now for the FedExCup.
C.T. PAN: Yes.

Q. What does that mean for your season moving forward?
C.T. PAN: It means a lot. It's been my goal for the past three years on the tour. It's all I'm trying to do, get into the TOUR Championship. I've been knocking the door a couple times but never finish well.

Hopefully this year will be the year.

Q. What are the goals for the Presidents Cup?
C.T. PAN: You know, just trying to prepare myself and get myself ready and hopefully play the best for the team and hopefully we can get a W.

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