Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Jhonattan Vegas

Quick Quotes

Q. Jhonny, 6-under par 64, excellent start. If we can get some comments with your round today.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, obviously phenomenal to be back playing golf on the PGA TOUR. Obviously we missed it a lot. Being at home for three months, even though it was good for me, I definitely missed playing. But just kind of getting back and getting competing again, I missed it. I felt the nerves on the first tee, and it was good getting back at it.

But overall, a really good round. I mean, hitting my irons extremely well, something that I made a big priority of as soon as I got back to practicing, and obviously it's paying off.

Q. You just mentioned being a University of Texas guy, talk about what it means to you that we're starting back here in this state?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: I mean, obviously it's huge. Even though we have no fans, to feel the support of people, for me just having this tournament here, I have lots of friends around that have been text willing me and just giving me a lot of support about getting ready to play and how excited they were about us getting back to playing. Just kind of felt really good about coming home, especially we're only a few hours away from Houston, it feels like home right now.

Q. Take us through that middle stretch starting there on 17, 18 and then 1 and 2. Take us through those holes.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, I mean, obviously had -- I wouldn't say a slow start, but was kind of a little bit of nerves probably the first few holes, wasn't really making those great swings, but the moment I started hitting some really good shot on 12 and 13 or 14, I knew that the game was there, and just pretty much around 15 or so, I started free-wheeling it and letting it happen. Obviously combined that with some great putting. But like I said, it's fun doing that around this place.

Q. Talk a little bit about what it was like without fans out there?
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, it felt strange to be honest, just kind of getting on the first tee and having your name called and not having anyone around to say anything, it felt like, hey, what's going on here. But obviously hit a lot of good shots, and not hearing those claps, it felt odd. But like I said, it's something we're going to have to get used to for a little while, and it's going to be hard because sometimes you hit shots that are good and you might not see where the ball ended up and you don't know how close or how far you fit it, so we definitely miss the fans.

Q. Talk about the conditions of this golf course.
JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well, the course is amazing. Every year this place is just amazing. From tee to green, it's hard to find a better place this time of year. Obviously the whole history behind it, it's a great place to get started for us, and it's obviously a fun place to come back and play.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 17:00:00 GMT

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