Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Phil Mickelson

Quick Quotes

PHIL MICKELSON: It's exciting to be back playing and competing.

Q. You're an absolute fan favorite; what is it like not playing with fans?
PHIL MICKELSON: It's certainly awkward not having everybody out here, but I'm certainly proud of the steps the PGA TOUR has taken to have everybody be safe, feel safe in this environment and to hopefully entertain and have some people watching on TV even though they're not here.

Q. How has the preparation in these last weeks translated to the course today?
PHIL MICKELSON: I was certainly a little bit rusty/nervous but had a good round going, then kind of let it slide there in the end, but it was fun to be back out and competing and hopefully I'll play better each round as the tournament goes on.

Q. Preparation going into tomorrow?
PHIL MICKELSON: So I'm going to go practice a little bit, hit some balls, and see if I can be a little bit sharper for all 18 holes tomorrow.

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