Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

ABRAHAM ANCER: In this past month, practicing back home in San Antonio, and just enjoyed the round. I missed hanging out with friends out here and playing some competitive golf. Like I said, it was good.

Q. First round in three months, what was the key to such a successful round?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I felt good. It's been a while since I played competitive golf, and I just felt really good coming in to the event. I've been playing some good golf back home, good solid practice. My body feels good, so I just had good feelings, and I really missed competition, so I really enjoyed the round today.

Q. How did the lack of spectators on the property kind of affect the atmosphere for you?
ABRAHAM ANCER: Well, it was definitely a lot more quiet. I think it played a little quicker just because you didn't have to worry about anything or moving around, but I do miss having people out here. It's always awesome hitting a good shot and hearing the response from the people yelling and all that, the cheering on. But like I said, the PGA TOUR has done a tremendous job to get us out here and play, so I respect that, and it's just awesome to be back.

Q. Did you have any first-day, opening-day type jitters after not playing for that long?
ABRAHAM ANCER: No, I didn't feel any jitters. I was a little bit off on the first tee shot, on the first seven holes or so. I didn't hit it just like I wanted to. But I was able to get up-and-down and keep the round going and made some good putts, and then after that I felt really good off the tee, and it was a good solid back nine, as well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 18:25:00 GMT

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