Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bryson DeChambeau

Quick Quotes

Q. Bryson, solid play today. First competitive round back. Can we get a couple opening comments on the round?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, it was awesome. It's great to be back. I'm excited to be back, and shooting 5-under is nice. That's never a bad thing. Really didn't know what to expect today to be honest, and very excited to get out with a 5-under off the bat.

Q. Was it weird without the fans? Did you find yourself reflexively acknowledging them?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: There were a few times where I thought about it, and it reminded me of U.S. Open qualifiers. There was a couple people out there but no fans. It was interesting, but nice to not have to worry about anybody saying something weird or -- I appreciate the fans, I love what they do. I just hope to keep -- I hope they can come back soon, and I hope to have good times with them.

Q. As far as the three months that we had off, what have you been up to aside from obviously working on the physical side?
BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, well, I've upped about 20 pounds. It doesn't mean I'm going to hit it farther, but I've done a lot of speed training to attain these new ball speeds. When I was out here I was attaining ball speeds of 193, 195 on certain holes, and quite honestly I can't use it out here. There's only a couple holes I can use it, No. 11 and No. 1 and No. 2 really.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 18:33:00 GMT

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