Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Adam Hadwin

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under in your first competitive round in about three. It has to feel pretty good. Did you see a round like that coming today?
ADAM HADWIN: I mean, I was hoping so. You never quite know what's going to happen. But yeah, I got off to just a great start for the week. It's nice to be back playing again. Looking forward to the rest of it.

Q. Was it strange not having any fans out there? How did that affect the atmosphere?
ADAM HADWIN: A little strange, yes. I mean, we were talking about it before we finished. I've had a number of back nines in tournament rounds out here where if I've made the turn at 4:30 or something and everybody is on the other side, so it wasn't too crazy, wasn't too wild, I guess, for us out there. But certainly, yeah, a little bit different.

Q. Anything you were working on in your game over the last three months, or was it mainly family time?
ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, mostly family time. I didn't get into it really until the last two, three weeks. Just been working on trying to get the club a little bit more on plane going back. Other than that, not much. Just kind of back out here playing golf again, hitting some shots again, which I haven't done for a while.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 18:39:00 GMT

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