Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sung Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. You hit a 9-iron; is that correct?

Q. What was it like to do something like that with no fans out there?
SUNG KANG: We had some claps. We couldn't really see where it went, so my caddie just told me it's probably about a foot away in the shadow somewhere, just the shadow for the flag, so I thought it was just close. We didn't even know it was in, and then we're walking, walking up there and one of the media guys asked us what did I hit, and my caddie said, is it in, and he said, oh, it's in, and we just had a little --

Q. So leaving the tee box --
SUNG KANG: I had no clue.

Q. Your last one on the PGA TOUR I believe was at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am; is that correct?

Q. How did it feel to accomplish that kind of feat regardless of the reaction you got?
SUNG KANG: Well, it would be good if I knew right away after I hit it. But we were like 50 yards away, and they were like, it's in the hole. I'm like, wow, it's in the hole. It wasn't really crazy. Nobody was really up there, only a few people out there just clapping a little bit. I still appreciated it, though.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 22:18:00 GMT

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