Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Jordan, 5-under par 65. If we can get some comments on your round.

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it was a tale of two nines for me. 1-over through 2, it's not an ideal start when you head into the horrible horseshoe, but I thought if I could sneak out of there at even par or even 1-under, I was right back to kind of -- right back in the thing, and ended up even par through 6 and kind of thought that settled me down a little bit. I was a little shaky to start today to be honest. I wasn't sure if I would be or not, and I certainly was, and once I got through six holes I hit a lot of really good shots after that.

Q. Talk about the state of your game at the end of when we were playing and then starting back this week. Anything in particular different that you've been working on?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I mean, I essentially had an off-season to look back on five weeks of play, recognize what I was doing better than last season, recognize what still needed to be worked on and adjusted, and it's one thing to do it, it's another to then go out and trust it in tournament play. I haven't really had a lot of super competitive rounds other than the last couple weeks, trying to get games going with guys here in town, and I think that was beneficial.

But I should be able to trust it more and more as we continue to play more rounds, but yeah, just some swing stuff, just catching the club up and just simple stuff that professionals do well that I wasn't doing well.

Q. Of all people, today for you had to be a little bit strange, just the fan support that you usually get out here. Talk about the dynamics of today's round.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it didn't hit me the last couple days, but when I was driving in and I saw -- I was pulling in when Mickelson was on 4 tee, and when I didn't see anybody there and it was a tournament round day, it wasn't a practice round day, I'm like, this is certainly weird.

But yeah, it is what it is right now. I think I'm certainly just really happy to be playing golf and being able to be competitive again and to be able to finish our season. I was getting pretty anxious.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 22:48:00 GMT

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