Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. Justin, can you describe the atmosphere without fans out there?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it was obviously weird. It was very different. It honestly might have been better for starting out because I think I was already nervous starting out because I hadn't played in a while, but I think with fans it would have been really, really nerve-racking. But it just didn't take as long to kind of get into the focus and mindset that I thought it would be, but yeah, it's just weird, you make putts, you're kind of sometimes able to feed off of the crowd, and I've never been here so I don't know what the big holes are. It looks like 13 and 16 are holes where probably a lot of people gather around, but yeah, it's just definitely different, but it sure beats being on the couch at home.

Q. How did your recent play coming into this week translate to today?
JUSTIN THOMAS: It was good. I've been working hard. I spent probably the first two months more so focusing on my body and getting rested, and then the last month I started playing more and then I started practicing a lot more the last three weeks. I just tried to not overdo it because I knew it was a long time off, and I didn't want to do too much because I've never had this opportunity of taking this much time off so I wanted to use it to my advantage so once I did get out here I was hungry again and I was ready to go.

I hit a lot of 3-woods off of tees and drivers at home. It didn't quite translate. I didn't drive it very well I thought today. Hit some good 3-woods, but just when I got it in the fairway, some stuff I've been working on with my dad just even these last three days, felt a lot more comfortable when I got on the course.

Q. It's been 91 days since we last played PGA TOUR golf. How excited are you to be here today?
JUSTIN THOMAS: I'm ecstatic. I'm very excited. It's just fun to -- I mean, it's a lot more than just fun seeing people you haven't seen in a while, seeing wonderful faces like yours. It's been so long. But no, it's great seeing the guys and being out here and knowing that when you have a six-footer it does matter if you make it or not as opposed to just losing a little bit more money in a fun game with your buddies at home, or if you do hit it in the water it actually does matter dropping it in the correct rules of golf instead of just kind of zipping around in a three-hour round in a cart. It's good to be back out, and I'm sure once the next couple weeks get going, it'll feel more normal.

Q. The fans were really looking forward to this pairing with the three of you; what was it like playing with those guys today?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it was great. Obviously the last competitive round I had was with them at THE PLAYERS. So it's nice to see them again. I'm sure Rickie is sick of me, and we've definitely had our fair share of time together, and staying in the house, so we definitely have our doses of each other. But it's always fun playing with those guys. Probably made it better with no fans and hanging out with them.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-11 22:52:00 GMT

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