Charles Schwab Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes

Q. Brooks, first round back in three months competitively. How did it feel to be out there today?
BROOKS KOEPKA: It felt good just to be back playing, but as far as how I played, it was a getting-along round; nothing to get too excited about, nothing to get disappointed about. I felt like it could have very easily been a lot better. But it is what it is, and go play tomorrow.

Q. Obviously in normal circumstances this group would have had a big group of fans following you guys as you always do. How did that kind of change the atmosphere out there not having any fans following you guys?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, it's a little bit weird. It's kind of eerie the first couple holes, and the first hole all three of us make birdie and it's like there's no applause, so it's kind of funny. But at the same time it's our job. We're supposed to go out and go play golf, so it doesn't matter if there's fans there or not. We've got to go out and go do what we're supposed to do.

Q. Anything in particular you need to improve on tomorrow morning?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Well, tomorrow it'll be nice to get some fresh greens. These greens get chewed up pretty good in the afternoon, and some fresh greens, be able to make a few more putts, and you've just got to put the ball in the fairway.

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