Charles Schwab Challenge

Friday, June 12, 2020

Harold Varner III

Quick Quotes

Q. You put yourself in a great position obviously going into the weekend. Can we just get an opening comment on your second round today?
HAROLD VARNER III: Yeah, just still hitting it really well and putting it really well, so those things go hand in hand. Obviously not the start I wanted, but it's just a part of golf. If I would have tripled the last, it would have added up to the same.

It's a great opportunity going into the weekend.

Q. You mentioned that triple bogey. How were you able to bounce back so quickly from that?
HAROLD VARNER III: Just gave myself so many looks. I tripled hole 10, and then on 12 I had like a three-footer for birdie, so you're starting to just get a lot of momentum. Even after a triple, you just can't live in the past. It's not a great place to be and it's hard to learn from there.

Q. The approach at No. 5 from 220, what club did you hit there?

Q. Could you speak a little bit about the momentum going into the weekend, birdies on five of your last six holes today?
HAROLD VARNER III: If I would have birdied No. 8, I think I'd have a little bit more momentum, but I have a lot.

Q. How different a golfer are you now than you were three years ago here in your only other start here?
HAROLD VARNER III: Oh, I've grown up a lot off the course, so it makes it easy to make good decisions that prepare you a little bit better for on-the-course stuff. Yeah, I'm a lot better golfer. I think I'm just a little bit -- I don't really get rattled as much.

Q. Yesterday with the first moment of silence at 8:46 you weren't out on the course. Today you were. Can we get your reaction to it since you were out there today?
HAROLD VARNER III: After making the triple I was just fighting for my life. I was just kind of -- they told me not to putt, and I was like -- I just wanted to make that putt just to get me back to even. I was really just focused on playing some good golf. It's pretty cool that the TOUR is doing that, but when you're out there you're just so in the moment. Well, I was anyway. I don't know, man, I was just trying to make a birdie.

Q. Lastly, after 36 holes, is this week starting to feel somewhat normal after the long layoff?
HAROLD VARNER III: No, I wish there was some fans tomorrow. I like that a lot. I mean, when it comes to being around the guys, it's very normal, but when it comes to fans and spectators, it's not normal at all.

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