Charles Schwab Challenge

Friday, June 12, 2020

Daniel Berger

Quick Quotes

Q. Daniel, how would you assess your round, nice 3-under 67 today, 8-under through two rounds?
DANIEL BERGER: I got off to a pretty bad start, 2-over through 5, and then kind of hung in there and played well on the back nine and found some rhythm on the greens. I've played a lot of golf in the off time since Florida was one of the first places to kind of open back up, so I feel very prepared and excited to be back.

Q. Your last three tournaments before the pandemic hit, you had three top 10s. Did the break kind of come at a bad time since your game was trending in the right direction?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, it was slightly disappointing. Obviously also got off to a good start at TPC Sawgrass before they ended up canceling that. But it was kind of a nice little refresher; I had played a lot of golf leading up to that point and still battling a little bit of that finger/wrist injury, so it was nice to have a month or two off to kind of let that heal, but overall I feel great. I'm just happy to be back.

Q. Your game has obviously been trending, so the injuries have kind of been in the past. What did you work on over the break to try to keep yourself in this groove?
DANIEL BERGER: Chipping and putting mostly. I mean, that's been the biggest difference for me. I feel like my putting this year has been better than historically in the past, so just got to continue to do the things that I've been working on, and I feel like I'm headed in a good direction.

Q. I saw you on the putting green before your round yesterday. Is that kind of the key, to keep working on it harder and harder?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, you're only going to be as good as how much work you put in, and I've dedicated myself in the short game area, and it's paying off.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-12 23:16:00 GMT

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