Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Patrick Reed

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about today. 63, really solid.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, you know, it's what I needed to do today. I think that was the biggest thing. Kind of coming into today, I just felt like I did a lot of things solid the first two days, but I just made too many careless mistakes, so I was trying to clean that up today, and I felt like I did a good job on that and just gave myself a chance with my putter.

Q. You were 10-under the last 27 holes.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, you know, I kind of dug myself a hole yesterday morning, got myself outside that cut line, and it's just never a good taste missing a cut, especially after having three months off to kind of come into this week. I knew I had put in the work, I just needed to get something going. Something kind of clicked yesterday in the swing that kind of allowed me to hit it a little closer and make some putts, and I just kind of ran with it today. I felt like I had a good warmup and because of that I was able to get off to a hot start.

Q. You have Grindworks as a sponsor; (indiscernible) kind of funny how that works.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, thank you, I appreciate that. But you know, Grindworks, that's the company that makes my irons, and I've worked pretty hard with Grindworks on getting those irons, and the name seems to fit. This off-season -- well, I call it an off-season, but our break, I took off the first ten days, and after that I was grinding with my coach six, seven days in a row just kind of grinding it out and trying to act like every week was leading up to a tournament. It finally paid off today.

Q. Where are the scores going to be tomorrow? There are some birdies out there.
PATRICK REED: Yeah, you know, it all depends. Kess and I were talking, we kind of went through a stretch there once we got to about hole 12, that 12 through 15 the wind seemed to pick up, and it kind of started swirling a little bit, but then it died off once we got to 16, kind of back to how it regularly was.

It just all depends what Texas decides to do with the wind. If it starts to blow a little bit, starts to swirl, you never know what's the lead, but I'm thinking it's going to be around five or six back. You would think somebody has got to go low. But I did what I had to do today to give myself a chance to win tomorrow, it's just going to take another low one.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-13 19:01:00 GMT

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