Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Justin Rose

Quick Quotes

Q. Given you know what's on the line do you think it'll feel like a regular chase on Sunday?
JUSTIN ROSE: Listen, no, this is new to us all. It's going to feel different for everybody, but it's going to feel as rewarding to win. It's still going to -- you're going to have to beat a great field and it's going to be a good leaderboard to contest against, and whoever wins tomorrow is going to have to go out and play some good golf. From that point of view, that's all we're looking at. Ultimately we all need to break down the golf course week in and week out and that doesn't change tomorrow. Obviously the crowd and the fans, they bring some of the atmosphere and the energy, but it doesn't change the task. Whoever is really in contention tomorrow, we're going to have a lot on our minds, but certainly it's going to be a different atmosphere, obviously.

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Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-13 21:37:00 GMT

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