Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Branden Grace

Quick Quotes

Q. As of right now you're tied for the lead. You've put yourself in great shape through 54 holes. How do you feel going into tomorrow's round?
BRANDEN GRACE: Yeah, I feel great. Like I said, didn't really have any expectations coming into the week. Didn't really do a hell of a lot before this, and you know, you kind of feel that you want to find something. I feel the ball-striking has improved every day. The putting has been great the whole week so far, and if I can come tomorrow, maybe hit a few more fairways and get myself the chances, I feel I'm going to make some putts. If I can do that, I'll be there or thereabouts.

Q. When did this week start to feel like a normal tournament, and how different do you anticipate tomorrow will be compared to a normal Sunday when you're in contention?
BRANDEN GRACE: You know, definitely the crowds make a big difference. Normally when there's a little bit more nerves on the first tee and the first green and things like that, you definitely feed off it. This week I've felt a little bit less. But we're also here to win a golf tournament; whether there's 40,000 people or four people watching, it doesn't really make a difference. But yeah, it would have been nice to have everybody out here and supporting. It has given it a different vibe, but we're still trying to win a golf tournament. I feel that tomorrow you're still going to get the same adrenaline flowing through the veins and you're going to want to win, so I'm going to go after it.

Q. Do you think the impact of not having spectators on the course will be greater tomorrow given what's on the line compared to the first three rounds?
BRANDEN GRACE: Yeah, I feel everything is a little bit more relaxed, but then again, when you have spectators and things, you get on a roll, and most of the time you feed off of that. I remember when I won Hilton Head and things like that and played well in the majors, the crowd started getting behind you and you start feeling like you can't do anything wrong. At the moment it's just you and your caddie out there and things like that, so I feel now you have to be a little bit stronger and tougher out there, so tomorrow is just going to be a grind.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-13 21:48:00 GMT

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