Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. Justin, overall an assessment of today's round?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, I salvaged a decent day out of it. I felt like I got off to a good start in terms of ball-striking, gave myself some chances. Missed a short putt there on 4, just totally misread it from about five feet. But no, in the middle of the round when I felt like I could have made some more birdies to try and get some momentum going, I was really salvaging to save par on 6, 7, 8 and 9, but they were great pars, which was good, and then on the back again I never could really get it going or hit it close enough. I wasn't really giving myself realistic birdie chances.

Q. Does this feel like there's a trophy on the line tomorrow with no fans?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Right now, no. I think tomorrow it will. I'm into it, and it's a little bit more competitive honestly than I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be very odd. I was hoping that I'd be in this position to where I'd have a good chance to win the tournament and see how I feel, but it is going to be different, especially come those last couple of holes if you have a lead or if you're trying to chase someone down or if you're tied for the lead. It'll be interesting to see how that adrenaline plays a role. But I'm looking forward to hopefully having that opportunity.

Q. What's been the biggest adjustment you've had to make with there not being all of the noise around?
JUSTIN THOMAS: I mean, it's just quiet. I'd say it's more peaceful because that has maybe a connotation people might not like to hear, but it is, it's very peaceful out there. It's just very quiet. You obviously don't have anybody talking to you, you don't have any phones going off, you don't have people going across crosswalks when they shouldn't. It's just like another round of golf. It's just the 67 best players in the world this weekend playing here at Colonial. It's different, but everyone has to adjust to it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-13 21:53:00 GMT

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