Charles Schwab Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Harold Varner III

Quick Quotes

Q. Harold, just an overall assessment of your round today.
HAROLD VARNER III: I hit it really well, just hung in there, but obviously didn't get any putts to fall. I'm going to work on it, and I've obviously still got a chance. You shoot even par on some Saturdays, it can kind of get away from you a little bit, having a chance to win. I just want to have a chance with nine holes to go, and right now we have a chance with 18.

Q. You're in a prime position; if it were a regular week there would be tons of pressure. Does that feel different with the lack of fans and energy? Does it feel any different going into Sunday in contention?
HAROLD VARNER III: It feels different only because I've been there before. I've been close before, so I feel comfortable and I just know I'm going to have to play well. I like that. Today I felt so comfortable, which I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I was kind of nervous the first two days just because I hadn't played much golf, and it probably kept me a little bit more aware, but it is what it is. I got the bad one out of the way, I guess.

Q. You have been in this position before. Did you learn anything from those previous times that you can take with you tomorrow?
HAROLD VARNER III: Yeah, one time I shot 81 and I actually just played bad. The other times I just wasn't ready, just wasn't comfortable, didn't execute as well. But I know what to do, I've just got to go out there and do it now. It's a little different. I feel like every time I'm even more and more capable of getting it done, so I'm just excited about having a chance.

Q. With the lack of fans and lack of physical noise, there's been a lot of noise going on in the world, specifically on you this week. How have you been able to -- have you been able to block that out? It certainly shows on the golf course.
HAROLD VARNER III: Yeah, when I get on the golf course, though, it's been very businesslike. I just kind of handle what I can do. I enjoy that part of it. I always forget about it when I'm on the golf course because I'm trying to play so well. If I'm worried about something else, then I'm probably not going to have a good outcome I don't think.

Q. The leaderboard is stacked. You're a fan favorite. I think fans are going to have a lot to look forward to tomorrow. Just talk about generally looking at some of the other names that are up there with you, a lot of the top players in the world?
HAROLD VARNER III: Oh, that's what you play for. That's an opportunity to me. Yeah, that's what you want. I don't know. I haven't really seen the leaderboard. I know 13 is leading, that's about it. But other than that, I just want to have a good solid chance to get it done.

Q. Has it felt like a long week, a short week?
HAROLD VARNER III: Super long. Super long, and I've only been here since Tuesday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-13 22:10:00 GMT

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