Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Keith Mitchell

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you think the first week back went, and what was the biggest difference beyond not having any fans on-site?
KEITH MITCHELL: I'm just really honestly glad to be here. Whatever it took I was willing to take because I'm glad to be back playing. The biggest difference was looking for golf balls and not really knowing how close it was from the fairway. If you'd hit a shot that you thought was well struck and close to the hole, you weren't really sure until you got up to the green because usually you get a nice clap or a cheer or you don't. So other than that, it's pretty normal. But unfortunately I wasn't in contention, so I think it'll be different for those guys.

Q. How often did you think about the coronavirus this week, and what were some things that triggered thoughts about it?
KEITH MITCHELL: The only time I thought about it was when I was having to take the tests, and that was really it. Hopefully nobody comes down with it and we can keep on playing.

Q. Are you on the charter? What was the thought process taking the charter versus taking your own flight, and was it hard to come up with saliva after playing if you did get tested after playing yesterday?
KEITH MITCHELL: It was not hard to spit. I was originally planning on being on the charter until I had an early tee time on Sunday, and so I was able to find a direct flight out of Dallas Fort Worth this afternoon and figured that would be a little bit better to get there pretty much a full day sooner.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 17:09:00 GMT

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