Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Keegan Bradley

Quick Quotes

Q. Keegan, if you can just assess your week for us, please.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I played pretty well. I had only played here one time and missed the cut, so I was kind of a little uneasy on how it would go, so I thought the course was great. Charles Schwab and the TOUR did a great job.

Q. Talk a little bit about the biggest difference between not having any fans on-site compared to normally.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, it was definitely a little strange, but it was kind of nice. We were able to -- it was kind of like playing in a junior tournament. We could walk freely around the grounds, walk from the range and kind of just go to work, and it was kind of nice.

Q. Did you think about coronavirus any this week, and what made you think about it?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, certainly being -- I mean, I've spent the last two or three months at home, so being out and driving around, being in a foreign city was definitely a little uneasy at times, but we're doing the best we can to stay healthy and do the right thing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 19:20:00 GMT

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