Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tony Finau

Quick Quotes

Q. What stood out to you most about this week and the differences without the fans and things like that?
TONY FINAU: I would say I think it was easier just to move around. I thought I was going to have a hard time finding my golf balls, but the volunteers for some reason did a great job of finding the golf balls this week. But it's been different. But I think there's pros and cons to having them and not having them. The energy levels are a lot lower I feel like because -- just because they're not here cheering and you don't hear, and that brings so much energy to the event. But I think one of the pros is that we're able to move around at a good pace, not as many distractions.

Q. As far as the charter, when went into your decision-making process to take the charter versus a commercial flight?
TONY FINAU: Yeah, I felt like the charter was the safest route. I could go private. I chose not to do private. I felt like it was safe enough, guys were being tested, no one is going to be positive on the flight, and it's a reasonable price.

Q. And as far as the testing last night or yesterday afternoon, was it difficult to come up with saliva after playing four hours of golf in the sun?
TONY FINAU: Yeah, it was, it was difficult. But I learned a little trick, you just kind of roll your tongue around inside your mouth, and it seems to bring a little bit more, and also if you just lean your face down, it seems to come out a little easier. So those were the two recommendations I got yesterday, and they helped slightly.

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