Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jason Kokrak

Quick Quotes

Q. Jason, a comment on your day, 6-under par 64.
JASON KOKRAK: Really happy with it. A couple mental mistakes. I looked up on 11, missed a short par putt there. But very happy. Made some long putts, made some great swings, hit it a lot better today, drove it better. Put myself in great position. It's just one of those days that the wind was kind of swirling, tough to figure out where it was at, and I made some good putts and put myself out there. Wouldn't change a thing on my last putt; it just kind of dove a little bit more than I thought.

Q. Talk a little bit just the week as a whole without fans. I know it was a different week.
JASON KOKRAK: Yeah, very strange without fans. You know, not as much energy on the weekend. Coming up 16, 17, 18, obviously there's a few stands that people have put in their back yards and that's kind of fun for us. But very different without fans. I think it's more enjoyable with fans. I like playing in front of people. But definitely a change of pace for us. I hope the fans come back, but I definitely want the PGA TOUR to be as safe as possible, and safety is a top priority.

Q. Did you sign any autographs this week?
JASON KOKRAK: A couple, one for somebody outside and one for the guy standing next to me. Nothing too crazy. But most of the fans are around Rory and Bryson and those guys, so not a big change for me. But I like to put myself in the mix on Sunday and play with a little bit of crowd help.

Q. I know there's a couple guys out there right now at 15, but there's also a little wind, some tough holes coming in. What are your thoughts?
JASON KOKRAK: You know, you've got to hit fairways out here. If you don't hit fairways, you've got to play safe, you've got to play 30, 40 feet away. There's definitely some trouble. There's some help around 16, 17, but 18 is playing into the wind. It's playing tough. It's just kind of -- we'll just see. I know Xander is I think 15. We'll see what happens. I mean, if the guys are hitting fairways, you can attack this golf course. The greens are soft. The green speeds are great, very makeable speed, not overly fast where you have to be careful. But it's overall a great week.

Q. Just talk a little bit about what this does after the restart to play so well in your first event out going toward the end of the season?
JASON KOKRAK: Yeah, it was kind of a little nerve-racking. Didn't feel like my game was in top shape, but I practiced putting in the off-season, a little bit of chipping. I concentrated on that, and that's what I was struggling with just prior to this pandemic. Practiced that, and my bunker play and my putting this week really helped me out. If I can drive it like I did today, we'll be just fine down the road. But very pleased with the overall result.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 20:53:00 GMT

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