Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Justin Rose

Quick Quotes

Q. Justin, if we can get you to assess your round today.
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, I think 66, obviously a good number today. The wind was trickier. The golf course is such a great golf course when the margins are a little tighter like they were today in the breeze. Poor start really, starting 5-5. I always seem to start birdie-birdie on this golf course. Virtually every day I feel like I'm a couple under through 2, so to be 1-over through 2 today was definitely a poor start.

But hung in there well. Chose to roll the dice off the 5th tee, hit driver there to get a wedge in my hand, made birdie to right the ship.

Yeah, I think if I just look back, the 11th hole, made a 6 there, so not playing the par-5s great today, but other than that, hung in there and stayed with it all day and had great putts on 14, 16 and 18 that all looked in. It's not over yet, but delighted to have put myself in contention, and down the stretch I felt really comfortable.

Q. In particular the putt on 18, talk to us about that.
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, it was a gentle right to left the whole bay. I played about six to eight inches of break, and that's the way I normally read putts is more the maximum break and kind of a foot past the speed. I was aware it's a must-make putt, and then sometimes you grapple with do you kind of take all the break out and get it there, but I don't make putts that way. It's not my routine. So a couple feet out, I thought I had made it to be honest with you.

Q. Comparing that putt, if we had a full crowd here, talk about the different atmosphere when you had that putt.
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, I've missed the putt and I've gone aww, I actually heard myself, whereas I think sometimes if the crowd are there, their sort of groans or cries, whatever it may be, would have drowned me out. So sometimes you suddenly realize you actually do make some noise sometimes yourself, and it surprised me a little bit there on 18.

Q. How would you sum up golf's return this week?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, I mean, obviously the quality of golf has been incredible. The pedigree on the leaderboard has been unbelievable. Hopefully the skill level has shown through. I think we're all dealing with the atmosphere, but I've loved the competition. It's been -- down the stretch I was still feeling the butterflies and I was still very aware of what it means to win on the PGA TOUR and all the FedExCup points and World Ranking points. As a player you know what's on the line, but yeah, we are -- there's one element missing for sure, but was definitely grateful to be out here playing, and hopefully putting on a good show for everybody at home and people are enjoying watching golf again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 21:26:00 GMT

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