Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. I know that was a frustrating day, but seems like there was some progress.
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, 100 percent, definitely progress. I knew coming in I didn't have all the tools. Didn't have all my weapons yet. But I certainly gained more this week, gained a lot of confidence. I'm making those putts from mid to long range and I'm driving the ball in good position. So it's really just cleaning up the wedges and stuff that I'm normally really sharp with that certainly had a bit of rust on it. I feel really good going into the next couple weeks for sure.

Q. (Indiscernible).
JORDAN SPIETH: He actually had to move his mark. I actually had to have him move it three or four times today. I started to just apologize, but he's got this big ol' coin and we were in the same spot a lot of the holes. That's common courtesy. Everyone does that just to make sure, because the last thing you want to do is kind of have a lapse of concentration, put it right where it is and then you get a stroke penalty. Hopefully that helps. We'll see.

Q. Jordan, knowing what went into the TOUR getting back up and running this week, what did it mean to have this kind of week? It seems positive by any measure.
JORDAN SPIETH: For me personally or for the TOUR?

Q. For the TOUR, for golf.
JORDAN SPIETH: I think it's yet to be -- I haven't really seen or read or anything about this week, so I don't really know. We'll have a board call tomorrow to kind of see what we can -- kind of go over what we did well first and foremost and then see what we can adjust to make it safer, better and more comfortable for everybody going forward. But from my perspective out here, certainly weird on the weekend not having fans, but everything going smoothly and no negative tests early in the week, and certainly nobody having to go take them mid-week, it's awesome. It's great that the bubble stayed a bubble, and now we've got to travel with it.

Q. What were you most pleased with this week and what irritated you the most?
JORDAN SPIETH: Very pleased with my driving. I felt like I hit my driver really well. I had one today where I just necked it and the wind picked up, and it took a big bounce and went out of bounds. It wasn't really that bad of a shot. But for the entire week I drove the ball, I felt, really well, put myself in position to make a lot of birdies and made a lot of birdies. So I've just got to get sharper with kind of my in-between numbers, the stuff that when you're used to just kind of hitting balls on the range and not playing tournament golf and you're not really practicing them as much, so that will be what I work on this next week.

Q. How much confidence do you have going into this next stretch of tournaments?
JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I've had success at each of the courses coming up, so I feel good about that, and then progressing for me off the tee is huge. That's where I've really needed the most work, and to be hitting a lot of fairways right now, just week one out of 13, 12 weeks off, and to have a chance on Sunday for the first time in almost two years, to be within one or two strokes of the lead on a Sunday, I really like the way that I battled today. I mean, I had some downs, and I had a four-putt this week, an out-of-bounds ball, and you can't normally have either one of those and still win a golf tournament. You take away those two and I'm in a playoff.

Just even with all the other stuff that I wasn't happy about, I still was in position to win. I feel very good going forward.

Q. Phil Mickelson turning 50 on Tuesday; if you could just speak about a memory or two that comes to mind with Phil.
JORDAN SPIETH: Well, I've always been a Phil fan growing up. I had a signed Sports Illustrated when he was on the front when he won the Masters with the jump. He doesn't know, I got it at an auction, I think I won it at an auction when I was maybe like 12 or 13 years old, so always a huge fan. Became even a bigger fan once I got to know him, and happy 50th birthday to Phil. He's certainly been -- he's made a huge impact on the game of golf in a very positive way, and we're all very grateful to have had him to try and emulate going forward. He's a class act. He treats people the right way and embodies the sport just in a great way.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 21:53:00 GMT

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