Charles Schwab Challenge

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Gary's putt was kind of on the same line with mine coming up to the hole. It hooked across, so I knew it was left to right. I played it left of the hole; I mean, you're not going to play much more than edge on a three-foot putt out here. Yeah, it was my second three-putt. A miscue on 15 there. Just a few -- kind of like you said, dramatic finish, I'd say, to what was pretty solid golf.

Q. 14 was a great up-and-down from the bunker, 15 was a great bogey save from 35 feet, and then you roll in the birdie at 16. You had three holes there that were pretty dramatic.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, 14 was sort of an acceptable deal to me. It was a really hard up-and-down. Finally made a putt. But kind of tried to force a putt early on the front nine and had a bunch of looks, 9, 10 -- I had a bunch of 10-footers today, which I was pissed of, and just didn't make any of them. Speed was off. Final putt on 18 left to right in the heart, kind of sums up sort of my week.

Q. I know it hurts, but you showed a lot of moxie out there. These things happen in golf.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I'm playing really good golf, which is really exciting. It does suck that I'm not in the playoff or contending to win after it's all said and done, but I'm in a good spot moving forward.

Q. Xander, did you know where you stood in relation to the leaderboard on the back nine?
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I knew all day. I knew it was going to be sort of a back and forth deal, kind of figured if I could get to 17 it would be a good number, and I feel like I easily could have. Missed a bunch of putts kind of mid stretch of the round. Even early in the round I missed a few. I feel like I could have easily -- I played good enough golf to get to the number, I just didn't do it, which sucks obviously.

Q. Going into the final round with no fans for those clutch putts or misses, just describe that overall atmosphere.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, weird for sure. Had kind of a college feel to it. We're all out here trying to play the best we can, and obviously more people are watching than college golf, but sort of you feel like you've got your own team and your team is pulling for you back home, and it's just you and your caddie out there.

Q. You may spend more time reflecting on this as the hours go by, but just your initial reaction over the way you played this week, coming off such a long layoff and then coming out here right in contention.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, you know, I'm not surprised. Like I said, I've been playing really well at home. Just pissed off right now, obviously. But you know, once my head hits the pillow tonight, I'm playing really good golf and I'm playing the next two weeks, and it's kind of the same style, I guess, of play as out here. You've kind of got to strike it around the property and all you've got to do is make a few more putts, and I should be good to go.

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Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-14 22:09:00 GMT

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