DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sean O'Hair

Quick Quotes

Q. Sean, bogey-free 3-under par. Is that a good score or was the golf course there for the getting today because the greens were receptive?
SEAN O'HAIR: I think early in the round when the storm was blowing in, it was kind of windy and it played pretty difficult. I was even par at the time, and then once we got the delay and came back out, I mean, the golf course was very gettable. Wind wasn't that big a deal. Obviously the greens were very receptive and fairly slow.

Q. So are you happy with the score?
SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah. You know, I struck the ball well. I gave myself a lot of opportunities. There was a few short putts that I missed that I wish I could have back, but overall I'm pretty happy with my game.

Q. You parred your last eight holes in. You birdied the first and then parred all the way home. Did you have opportunities there?
SEAN O'HAIR: I did. I missed a few short ones inside 10 feet coming in, and I drove it really nicely today to kind of be aggressive with some wedges on that last nine holes, and like I said, the putter kind of failed me a little bit on the back nine. But I feel like my speed, and I'm starting it on line, I've just got to do a little bit better job of reading the greens. But all in all, I feel pretty good about everything.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-26 18:42:00 GMT

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