DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. 66 for Ryan Palmer, second straight week for you to be able to play at home. For you what is the comfort level, particularly at a place where your caddie James has been a club champion here, as well?
RYAN PALMER: No, it is comfortable. Obviously a little disappointing what happened last week, but coming back where I'm a member at, where James and I play numerous rounds together with all the guys in a big game, it's a golf course I can step on to each tee and don't even need my yardage book. It was a solid day. I hit the ball well today. A few putts out there I think I left out, but overall to shoot 4-under out here on a Thursday, you're never hurting.

Q. With the rain you got, was there as much fire in Colonial as you usually might see?
RYAN PALMER: No, because you had just enough breeze. This golf course doesn't need much as far as when it comes to weather and stuff because the golf course is defensive enough that it's going to get the rough the way it is, and you get an extra 10 mile-an-hour breeze, that's all it takes, and it keeps everybody kind of honest in the round, and you don't see a whole lot of low scores. You see a lot of 2-under, 3-under, but you don't see anybody going crazy deep. And I think with some more rain coming, it will soften the greens up even more, but they're already soft enough. But the rough is up, and you've got to hit the fairway.

Q. Talk about the round, 4-under par 66, not too shabby.
RYAN PALMER: No, it was a good day. I hit it well today. I came up with a few out there I think from No. 7 on until honestly I got to around 15 where I made about -- my four birdies. But kept it in play, hit all the fairways, and it was nice to get a couple there at the end on 15 and 17. Still left a few out there on the greens, but I'm going to go work on that with Randy Smith. Any time you shoot 4-under on a Thursday, you're off to a good start.

Q. 3 was within tap-in range.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, I've done it a lot playing with the guys here. James and I are members and playing in the big game. But I felt I could go out there and birdie the first two or three guys, so I kind of had a nice comfortable feeling. Overall, like I said, it was solid. Just enough breeze where nobody went crazy under par. Good start for sure.

Q. The little delay bother you very much? I know the sirens went off right after you hit your shot on 1 and got it on the green.
RYAN PALMER: No, because we were on 1 green, so it wasn't much of a delay, so just got to warm up a little bit more. It was nice to come out and make that first putt for sure after sitting around, but nothing as far as the delay.

Q. Was there any point today where you knew you had it going?
RYAN PALMER: You know, I really didn't because I felt like I had a good opportunity on 10, had another one on 11, I missed wedge on 12, great chance on 13, so no, I really didn't -- I was just trying to actually -- through 14 I was a little disappointed and frustrated just because I hadn't made a few when I thought I should have. Great wedge on 15 and a great putt, and then of course a great putt at 17. So I knew after that, I thought, okay, if I can get one more, 5-under round would be great, but obviously I'll take 4-under.

Q. Anything you want to improve on for tomorrow?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, I'm going to go putt, work on some uphill right to left putts. I had a few today that were not very good. I kind of figured out what I was doing, and I'm going to go make sure it's what I thought and let Randy do his job.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-26 19:36:00 GMT

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