DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ryan Palmer

Round 2 Quick Quotes

Q. You gave yourself a number of birdie chances and converted eagle here on this nine. Tell me about the way Colonial played here and the resumption of your round 2.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, it was there. It was nice to have ball in hand with the dew and the moisture on the fairways, but obviously the hot start on -- the putt I made on 18 and of course 1 and 2, and then just a poor three-putt on 3 and then just a -- I don't know what 5 was, just kind of a good fight, let's put it that way, but then I had a few more good chances, and just a poor wedge on 9. But overall, I shot 3-under total for the day, or two days I guess you could say. But we're one back, 7-under, and on a golf course I've played a thousand times and I'm not afraid to attack, so I'm excited about it.

Q. Is there any hesitation to being aggressive on this golf course given the conditions may firm up a little bit?
RYAN PALMER: No, because I've played it and I know all of them, so I know what to expect. I haven't faltered from what I've done when I'm playing for fun. I've hit driver everywhere I want to hit driver, and then I hit 5-wood on 5 every time. We'll keep doing the same thing. I'm excited about the way I'm putting, and that's the most important for sure.

Q. Obviously this is a place where you're really comfortable. How gettable was it this morning starting so early, and how well do you think you did getting what you could out of the 10 holes you had left?
RYAN PALMER: I did well. A few hiccups. Obviously 5, and then a poor three-putt on 3, just a bad wedge on 9. I had it for the taking right there to get to 9-under. But we're 7-under, and I love the way I'm putting the ball, that's for sure, and driving it. If I can drive the ball the way I did on 9 the rest of this afternoon and putt well, we're going to be right there.

Q. How is the comfort level out here? I'm sure there's going to be a lot of people, a lot of Colonial members rolling around with you this afternoon.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, it's going to be fun. It's just a matter of me keeping my emotions in check, not getting too ahead of myself, just taking that shot and just making sure it's the most important and not get wrapped up in what's going on or who's following or where I stand on the leaderboard. You know, stay calm, keep my emotions at a calm level, and I think we'll have a good day.

Q. Tell me about the eagle at 1.
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, just hit a good second shot, just came up a little short, and just a little pitch shot, but it rolled in like a putt.

Q. Threw it in from off the edge?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, just a little short chip.

Q. Everything working well?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, everything is great. I'm looking forward here and relax, take my shoes off, have a little breakfast, and I've got a couple hours, three, I guess, but I'm going to clean up, take a shower, and come into it like we're starting the day.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-28 15:33:00 GMT

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