DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Harris English

Quick Quotes

Q. Great round, only one dropped shot, and you shoot 64, it seems like everything is working. Anything stand out for you today?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I made a lot of really good putts today. Out here I felt like my iron game has been on all day, and it really helps when you can hit it to 15 or 20 feet and make some putts. Kind of makes it to where you don't have to go at every pin, so that was a big plus today, and hopefully I can keep going for the weekend.

Q. Final hole today you were staring down from great angle in the fairway, hit it to five feet. Were you thinking at all about trying to post 11? Did that ever sneak into your head, post a low number and get into the last group tomorrow?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Not really. I mean, that back nine I was hitting it really well. I was trying to birdie every hole. Just didn't play enough break. One of those kind of right to lefters where I had to play it about two balls out and didn't play it high enough, but I'm still taking a lot of momentum into tomorrow and hopefully can get back at it.

Q. You had a great finish the first time you played Colonial. How have you been able to recover some of that magic and be able to post such a great week?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I love this place. This is one of my favorite golf courses playing out here. The weather has been unbelievable. The course is drawn out. It's in perfect shape right now. Started hitting my irons really well the past few days, and I feel like you've got to be a really good iron player out here to kind of keep it going, and I've made a lot of really good putts, so I'm really happy where my game is at.

Q. It's been three years, calendar years, since you've actually gotten back into the winner's circle since Mayakoba. You've played very well at a lot of times this year. For you what is the difference between just contending and actually lifting the trophy?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I mean, you've got to do all the small things really well. I haven't done that for a lot of the year this year. I've been kind of struggling with the tee ball a little bit and haven't put all the pieces together. Hopefully I can keep those coming together. I feel like this week I've really struck the ball a lot better and made the crucial par putts and done all the small things well that you've got to do to have a chance to win tournaments. Hopefully I can keep that going for Sunday's round.

Q. How aggressive is your mindset when you're playing here and playing well like you are?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I mean, that back nine I started hitting the ball really well, and I felt like I could try to birdie every hole. I felt like my putter was good even though I missed a couple five-, six-footers out there. I felt like from 30 feet and in, I could have a chance to make it.

Q. What was working for you today?
HARRIS ENGLISH: I did a little bit of everything well. I mean, from the first hole I smoked a driver off the tee, hit 4-iron to about 25 feet for eagle and barely missed it, so I kind of got off to a good start, birdied the first two holes and kind of got running. Had the putter going, had the irons going, hitting the ball in the fairway, so I can't complain about anything. I've just got to keep that momentum going for tomorrow.

Q. How important is that good start early in a round, especially on a course like this?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, it's huge. This course, the first two holes are probably one of the easiest two on the golf course, and then you've got 3, 4, 5, which are some of the hardest. You've got to kind of get a cushion out there out of the gates and kind of hold on coming in the front nine. But did a good job of that and kind of stayed with my game and executed really well.

Q. You've seen a number of guys going low today. What's making the course so gettable for you guys?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I mean, usually this course you have a lot of wind out here, and today, I mean, it was probably blowing 5 to 10 but nothing crazy. The greens are pretty soft and receptive, but they're rolling perfect. Seeing a lot of guys who are striking the ball well can make a lot of putts.

Q. Is there a specific aspect of your game that you've been working on the last couple weeks?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, mostly just trying to hit more greens in regulation, which is normally one of my strong suits, but I haven't done it for the past couple months. Struggled a little bit at THE PLAYERS getting the ball in play, but I've really been working on it and I'm kind of focusing on the small things and simplifying it, so it's worked out thus far.

Q. It's always fun to win out here on TOUR, but trying to chase down Jordan, does that add any degree of difficulty?
HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, obviously he's playing some really good golf right now, and kind of having the home crowd is probably energizing him a little bit. I know it's probably going to be tough, but I just want to give myself a chance on the back nine where anything can happen.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-28 22:28:00 GMT

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