DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Let's talk about today. I thought it was a solid day. I know you wanted to hit that last putt at 18 but all in all a good day?
WEBB SIMPSON: Good day. Playing with Jordan, he played great. I knew he was going to be a tough guy to beat this week. Because he is every week. Made a couple mistakes throughout the round, but overall played pretty good and hate to finish with a bogey, but I felt like I hit a good putt, just misread it a little.

Q. Talk about the putting because I know it's a new putter, wrapped up the left forearm. Obviously, you like it. Still working the kinks out?
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, it's felt good. I feel comfortable, which that's all I'm after is just to feel better, feel more confident. And it's doing the job so far.

Q. Chance to win tomorrow.
WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, that's all you can ask for out here. So, even though Jordan played great today, I still got a chance. So go work on it a little bit and see what I can do tomorrow.

Q. Do you like coming from behind?
WEBB SIMPSON: Well, yes and no. I would love to play in the last group, but it is what it is.

Q. We'll forget about 18 for now. Let's talk about the bounce back on 14 after making bogey what was the importance of jump starting your emotions there?
WEBB SIMPSON: It was big. I made a bad swing on 13.

Then 14 I thought I hit a pretty good shot, but it came up just short. So to make that was really big for me at the time.

Q. How do you feel about your consistency and the ability to perform so well under the pressure of weekend play?
WEBB SIMPSON: I feel like today I felt really comfortable out there, which I was happy, it's been awhile since I've been in the last group. So I was pleased with that.

But I'm excited. I got to tighten it up for tomorrow, I got to shoot a good round, I'm sure the scores are going to be good again tomorrow. So I'm going to go work on it tomorrow and hopefully come out tomorrow firing.

Q. Is there less pressure not being in the final group tomorrow?
WEBB SIMPSON: I don't think so. I love being back there, I love playing with Jordan. That's why I wish I had parred the last. But it is what it is. And I'll go after it tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #176 at 2016-05-28 23:27:00 GMT

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