DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Martin Piller

Quick Quotes

Q. (No microphone.)
MARTIN PILLER: Yeah, I played all right. I played pretty good. I just wanted to kind of get something in under par and just kind of keep hanging and see where that felt. But it was fun. That was probably, it was a lot of hoopla out there today so it was fun to get in under par.

Q. It was fun to follow you guys. But talk about tomorrow now. Because you are definitely in shape with a low number to win this thing.
MARTIN PILLER: Yeah, I mean, certainly like Jordan bogeying there on 18 and me birdieing, that helps, because I was kind of losing ground there towards the end of the back nine. He was making birdies and I was made a couple, but he birdied 16 and I bogeyed, so that hurt.

Then, but, yeah, so I didn't want to -- two is fine, I didn't want to be three or four -- you don't really want to be anything chasing Jordan, as good as he is. But two is a lot better than four, for sure.

Q. It's fun to follow you a lot of support, go get 'em tomorrow.

Q. Did you have to come back out and finish your second round today?

Q. So that makes a long, long day.
MARTIN PILLER: I played 12 holes this morning. I'm exhausted. I'm glad today's over. I'm not going to practice, I'm done. It was a long day. We were the last off yesterday and we teed off at like almost 7. So we played like, I think we played six holes and that was it and so, yeah, I had to come out this morning and finish up. So, it's, it was along day.

Q. So your plans are eat dinner and sleep in?
MARTIN PILLER: Sleep in. I'm putting my feet up and watch some NBA tonight and, yeah, I'm putting my feet up for now.

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