DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about your dad passed away last summer. There's an upon of Palmer Foundation people out here supporting you. What would it mean for you to go 24 hours and have to know that you would walk away with the trophy?
RYAN PALMER: Oh, man, you'll have to ask me that tomorrow, if it happens. But, no, I thought about him all week, because this was his favorite tournament. But the family, with his friends that always come down. They always hung out at the Champion's Club and this was the one event he looked forward to the most. He's been with me all day, all week, and we'll just go give it our best and we'll see what happens, I guess.

Q. It was a good round of golf score-wise, but I know there was more out there for you. And I'm not just talking about 18, there was some putts that just didn't fall for you today?
RYAN PALMER: Yeah, I fought the speed for some reason today. I never could get to the hole. I had a lot right in the middle. And I maybe got a little shaky at times on some shorter putts, I made them, but, obviously, the one on 18 I tomahawked it left, I guess, and hit it a little firm.

But the way I drove the ball, the way I hit my irons, I was really, it was one of my better ball striking days of the year, for sure. The work with Randy Smith all week and going my mental game back in shape with Neil Smith has been awesome and, of course, James and I being members, we got a lot of rounds on this golf course, so we were able to take some different lines than a lot of guys do. And I'm attacking with the driver a lot, because I done it so many times. So, go out there tomorrow and then we'll see what happens.

Q. Was 15 one of those holes where you took a different line than your competitors where you took driver went past that bunker on the left and ended up playing the slope well on the approach shot?
RYAN PALMER: No, I hit driver every time, because I've run through the left, in the rough before, but I'm still clear. I hit it over to the right, you can still work from there. The bunkers are so pure at this golf course, they're like fairways, so it's a situation where I'm not really worried about where I'm going to miss it. I know if I just put a good swing on it I'm going to hit a good tee shot here.

Q. Have you ever aced 16? Because you sure came close today.
RYAN PALMER: That was close. I couldn't believe where the divot was, for sure. But it was a cool moment. Hearing the crowd reaction there, so that was one of my finer moments today for sure.

Q. It's cool to see you're in contention here on your home golf course, you talked about working on mental game what will be that preparation tonight and tomorrow morning?
RYAN PALMER: I'm going to go putt a little bit, I think. Main thing is just same routine, get home, get away from the golf course, get away from the game, what's going on. And get up in the morning and hang out with the kids and Jennifer and do the things I've been doing all week and get in my routine and once I get on the golf course, things Neil and I talked about, as far as my pace, how to think out there and what to expect, so I'm excited about it and looking forward to it.

Q. I enjoyed all the support you're getting out there from your friends and fans and I enjoyed watching you play today.
RYAN PALMER: Thank you.

Q. Do you look at how well you played or what could have been?
RYAN PALMER: The way I drove the ball and my iron play for sure, and I hit a lot of good putts, I just couldn't get the speed down. And it fought me all day, it felt like, but fortunately I had a lot of shorter putts coming down the stretch. But the one thing I did most importantly is I stayed patient. I didn't let it get down on myself. I was three back, making the turn, almost, and I just knew I was hitting good shots, it was just a matter of staying patient and letting it come to me and I had some good holes coming down the stretch.

Q. There was a little more intensity to you than we normally see and it may be because of all the emotions that come into play this week. How have you handled that?
RYAN PALMER: I tried to tell myself to stay more focused and just not let -- usually I'll get chatty with everybody in the crowd, people that are here. So I told myself just to kind of smile and wave at times, but really just kind of keep my eye down the middle and just really focus on what I'm doing and not get too wrapped up in the emotion of the fans and the friends and family. So, I've been able to handle it so far and I'm okay to go.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #176 at 2016-05-28 23:40:00 GMT

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