DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Chad Campbell

Quick Quotes

Q. You seem to know how to go low on this course.
CHAD CAMPBELL: Every once in a while. I've had a couple good rounds out here. Went pretty low, so it was definitely a nice day.

Q. How did this compare to the course record that you tied?
CHAD CAMPBELL: Yeah, I probably made more putts today than I did that round. I probably hit it a little better that round. I made my share of putts today. That's for sure. Made some longer ones. Actually some of the shots in there I hit a little closer I missed, but definitely made up for it with the long putts that I made.

Q. Did you kind of feel like this was coming, this kind of round?
CHAD CAMPBELL: You know, I felt like I was playing all right. It seemed like every day I just let a lot of shots go at the end, and even today I let that shot go on 9, bogeyed 9. I have a little bit of trouble with No. 9. But that's the way it goes. I'm happy with the way I played, though.

Q. What's your secret for shooting in the low 60s here?
CHAD CAMPBELL: You just look at it, it's not a long course, and you think you can shoot good scores, but you start missing fairways -- and you've got to miss fairways on the right side. You've got to get angles out here, and that's what's so -- all classic courses kind of have that, and if you've got the right angle you have a chance, but if you get bad angles you have no chance.

Q. When was it this round that you really started feeling the momentum of the round?
CHAD CAMPBELL: I started off good. I think I birdied four out of my first five, so got going pretty early.

Q. You're probably fairly tight with Ryan?
CHAD CAMPBELL: Yeah, yeah.

Q. You've got to be thinking what it might be like for him to win.
CHAD CAMPBELL: Yeah, yeah. I know he plays out here all the time, and I play out here quite a bit, as well, but it would be very special for him, as it would be for me, too. Hopefully he can get it done. It's going to be tough for him coming down the stretch. Got a lot of guys chasing him. I don't know if he's got the lead right now or I think I saw Harris was leading maybe right now, but kind of bouncing back and forth. Hopefully he can get it done. That would be pretty cool.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-29 20:21:00 GMT

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