DEAN & DELUCA Invitational

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Anirban Lahiri

Quick Quotes

Q. Three rounds in the 60s and your first top 10 this year on the PGA TOUR. You must be happy.
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: Yeah, it's definitely one of those weeks that I've played some of my best golf. I felt like I left a few out there coming in, but it's still a pretty good week.

Q. Got off to a fantastic start in the first round shooting 65, didn't keep it going, but you played fantastic today and a lot to build on.
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: Absolutely. I felt like my game has been improving, so it has been building, but it hasn't really culminated in four good rounds, so I'm really happy with the week.

Q. What was your yardage at 10?
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: I think I had 149 and it was downwind, just hit a smooth wedge, tried to hit it 140, and it came out -- I actually didn't think it was going to get there.

Q. Talk about the next hole, the par-5.
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: I thought about this shot for 10 seconds before I hit it. It was just a 98, four yards short, and (inaudible).

Q. You've traveled all over the world, been a globetrotter, you've won all over the world. Has there been an adjustment to basing yourself here in the U.S. and playing week in and week out and getting used to the courses?
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: I think the biggest change, like you mentioned, is getting used to the courses. The golf style here, the course style is quite different from what we play in Europe and Asia, obviously. They're obviously a little bit longer, different grasses, but now I'm more comfortable. This week obviously I felt a lot more comfortable because this is more like the golf courses that we have back home. This is more old school where you've got to shape it and control the ball more than just blast it off the tee, which is a lot of weeks out here. I really enjoyed this week, and I'm getting used to playing here.

Q. Wrong club on No. 15?
ANIRBAN LAHIRI: Actually the wrong club on 15 was off the tee, because I left myself a terrible yardage. I laid myself back, and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to hit my 2-iron or my 3-wood. I ended up hitting the 2-iron. I had 188 to the flag, and I didn't really make that bad a swing. It was the right club, but it was gusting off the right, and you don't feel it just where the fairway turns because you're protected. The moment it gets out through that corner, it just gets smashed by the wind. Obviously not my best swing, but I think the error was off the tee, and more off the tee than the second shot.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-05-29 21:38:00 GMT

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