Charles Schwab Challenge
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Boo Weekley
Quick Quotes
Q. You're back here in this place where you've won before. (Indiscernible - wind.)
BOO WEEKLEY: I love the golf course, but the fans are what makes it awesome. To be able to come back and play and enjoy where I won at, but they are so supportive here, and it's fun to be able to come back and be a part of it.
It's just been a long road, but it's just something that we're ready to get back and do.
Q. I caught a glimpse of you looking at the wall of achievements. I can't imagine what that must feel like looking at that.
BOO WEEKLEY: Yeah, it's an honor. A lot of names up there that I would've loved to play golf with back in the day and ones I have played with on there.
Overall it's an awesome feeling to be able to come here and be a part of it. Such great heritage, so much history in this area period because of Mr. Hogan and some of the other stuff and people that has played here.
Q. In terms of making your comeback now, can you give us an update on how you're feeling, how you're doing, and what you're doing to get back to your peak level?
BOO WEEKLEY: I'm just taking it one day at a time really. It's been a struggle. I'm not hitting it as well as I used to. Driving it kind of crooked. I just can't quite get the motion yet with my shoulder and everything it's going through.
Sometimes the power shows up and sometimes I ain't got no power. It's kind of crazy to how it's just the way my swing is right this second. It's coming. Sooner or later it's going to all click together. It's just it ain't happening right now.
Q. How tough is it to fight through that when you're trying to find the consistency you had for so many years, right?
BOO WEEKLEY: Yeah, it's pretty tough. It's pretty tough to find. I don't know, man. I reckon just go out there and just keep grinding away. I don't want to give up on my God-given talent. That's the thing about it. He's looked after me and took care of me and gave me another chance to be able to come out here and do this and have fun.
Q. Does it give you a different perspective having to fight through it this way?
BOO WEEKLEY: Oh, yeah. It gives me a lot bigger perspective, especially my kids and stuff like that. Want to spend more time with them and try to be with them as much as you can. You don't ever know. It's life. You can get in a car right now and just drive down the road and something bad can happen. You just don't never know.
Q. Was that the good part about the layoff?
BOO WEEKLEY: Oh, yeah. Being able to be home for a year and a half almost, man, it was awesome. I missed the grind. I didn't miss the practicing, the golf, I just missed the actual like knowing I got to stand up there and when I shake your hand on the first tee I'm there to beat your butt. I ain't there just buddy buddy. I'm there to play golf and ready to beat you.
Q. That's part of how you're wired though, right? You got to have that to be a champion, right?
BOO WEEKLEY: At any sport. Any sport. If you want to be good at it, you got to be a personally selfish to yourself every now and again. I ain't saying you got to be a selfish person outside of what you do, but you got to be a little selfish to yourself and show a little bit of -- a little grit.
Q. Is there anything you can share with us about the health scares you went through?
BOO WEEKLEY: I mean, no. I'm just going to leave that alone. I appreciate it.
Q. Just glad to be healthy?
BOO WEEKLEY: Just glad to be getting healthy. I ain't all the way there, but we're getting there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-23 19:08:00 GMT