Charles Schwab Challenge
Friday, May 24, 2019
Jim Furyk
Quick Quotes
Q. A long wait to hit the second shot at 9, but that was a beauty. Nice way to close out the round.
JIM FURYK: Yeah, thanks. Tough shot. Peter was having his struggles, so try not to pace too much. Nice to close off a round with a good shot.
Q. Tale of two nines for you. Started on the back nine; picked up a bunch of birdies there, and then even par with that birdie on your finishing nine holes. Thoughts on how you played today.
JIM FURYK: I played really solid. I had some good opportunities on the back nine. Hit some good putts that didn't go in. That middle horseshoe, 3, 4, 5, it hard to get your rhythm on those holes. Trying to get through. I played those three 1-over, which honestly isn't that bad.
Didn't really attack 1 and 2. Had to make about a six-footer for par at 1 and left my wedge a little short on 2. On the way in I hit some really good shots, but putts didn't go at 6 and 7 and got fooled a little bit by the wind on 8.
Overall, hit the ball solid and played well today.
Q. Let's talk about the wind. You had to play in the afternoon yesterday. How much different was it this morning?
JIM FURYK: Oh, totally. The wind was supposed to be about 10 to 12 this morning, which would've been a bit of a reprieve from yesterday. I don't think it was out there. It was probably about five or six miles an hour. It was a light breeze.
Greens are holding moisture and there was even some cloud cover this morning. I think it allowed all of us to attack. Saw a bunch of guys coming out and shooting 3-, 4-, 5-under par on their first sides today.
Wind picked up a little bit. Nothing like yesterday. Starting to get a little tricky out there and that second side was more difficult, but a good solid round.
Got off to a nice start, 4-under on the back, and then the front side I didn't really attack at 1 and 2 and couple pars and then you got 3, 4, 5 to get through.
I played 6 through 9 well, but was able to pick up one birdie. Had a couple good looks that didn't go. Overall, this morning it was a time to get out there and get after it. It was nice to shoot 4-under on the first side and set up a good day.
Q. You've had success here before. What is it about this course that fits your eye so well?
JIM FURYK: It's not a power-dominated golf course. It's a place you have to put the ball in the fairway. You're going to have to hit some shots and hole them against the winds.
It's a golf course I don't think favors any style, other than guys that can work the ball, control it in the wind, hit some shots. You've good got a good advantage there.
For me, I think the world of Bethpage. It's a great golf course. Obviously takes a significant number of people out of the field just by length alone. That's kind of -- it's an uphill battle for me there just not being a long player.
To come here where that's not important, it's nice to get off to a good start.
Q. What's the biggest difference from yesterday afternoon to this morning?
JIM FURYK: Just the wind. I think we probably had close to a sustained 20 miles an hour yesterday. This morning it was probably 5. One thing is the greens are still holding some moisture so we can stop the ball. They're not overly quick, so it gives you a chance. That 20 miles an hour wore a lot of people out yesterday. Kind of battled through it and felt really good about shooting 1-under.
Today it allowed us to get out there and attack. You saw a lot the guys get 3-, 4-, 5-under par on their first side today and have an opportunity to change their week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-05-24 17:33:00 GMT