Travelers Championship
Friday, August 5, 2016
Jerry Kelly
Quick Quotes
Q. You bounced back a bunch of times. What did you think of the round?
JERRY KELLY: I hit the ball very bad. I didn't hit it very well at all. Once I got the short irons in my hand I hit the ball well.
So I kind of figured it out in my head on the last hole, but it was one drive too late unfortunately. Couldn't even fly it 260 over that right bunker. Had to layup.
Legs weren't under me today as well as they were yesterday. Had a real solid base and I was able to swing my club around me. Today I was whipping it all over the place.
That's what I've done my whole career. I just got to have another couple low ones.
Q. It's also golf, too, right? You have a good round and next day can be totally different?
JERRY KELLY: That's why it's a four-letter word.
Q. Do you think the wind was a factor this morning and do you think it will be a factor this afternoon?
JERRY KELLY: Not unless it picks up to a solid ten, fifteen. It's still five, seven, negligible, so not too bad.
Q. (No microphone.)
JERRY KELLY: Yeah, I just did not hit the ball well. I hit my short irons well which set me up for a decent amount of birdies. Any time I had anything more than a 7-iron I was up and out of it on the way back and the way through.
I'm tired. I kind of figured it out. I'm not going to go to the range. I'm going to go watch a movie and see if I can rest a little bit and see if the old bones will work for two more days.
Q. What was the difference from yesterday and today? Was it about getting your base? Was it about your legs?
JERRY KELLY: Yeah, I can just feel the -- there are just some issues that pop up. You know, it comes from the swing. It's not swinging poor because all of a sudden I felt something. When I'm swinging poorly it pulls me all over the please.
I get hurt from swinging bad, and I was swinging bad today.
Q. You seem to have a great relationship with the gallery here at Hartford. They're happy to see you.
JERRY KELLY: It's really nice that they welcome me back. I was here for a solid four years. We had a great team with Petrovic and Sheehan. It's fun that they remember. I'm going to keep coming back.
Q. Not exactly how you wanted to wrap it up, but talk about it.
JERRY KELLY: I was off all day. I'm missing shots that I don't normally miss. Like I said yesterday, it's a relatively new move the last two, three weeks. I'm missing it differently.
Still the same old problems. I just get loose with my legs and my body flies all over the place. It's the same thing. I just have a little bit of a different miss when I do miss it. I'm still going through that.
This is probably the worst day that I've had with this move. I kind of understand why. I didn't understand it until the 18th hole after that drive. It was painful to see how obvious it was, but I'll be back at it tomorrow.
Q. Got to be pretty satisfied with the fact that you spun your wheels today but no matter what happens in the afternoon, you'll still only be two or three back.
JERRY KELLY: Very surprising. I certainly thought it was going to be at least ten. I didn't think it was playing very difficult. Greens were smoother than they were last night.
Yeah, it's surprising so far, but I'm fine with where I am. You know, I'm not fine with how I finished, but, hey.
Q. What do you have to do if conditions are okay to score on this particular course strategy-wise from here on out?
JERRY KELLY: I have to shoot lower than everybody else. (Laughter.) I mean, literally, there is no strategy. Expecting rain tomorrow. You don't know what you're going to get. Expecting wind and cooler weather on Sunday. Don't know what you're going to get.
You game plan for something today, not going to show up tomorrow. You just got to go beat everybody. That's all there is to it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2016-08-05 16:18:00 GMT