Travelers Championship
Friday, August 5, 2016
Jim Furyk
Quick Quotes
Q. Great playing today. Appears that score is going to be good enough to stick around for the weekend potentially.
JIM FURYK: Yeah, there is a key word in there, potentially. Sounded really positive until the end.
Q. Sorry.
JIM FURYK: Yeah, it's either going to miss or make by a couple spots. Just have to wait around and see.
If not, I would prefer to get home. Probably not going to happen because I won't know until later this evening.
Q. You stand over a 6-footer that you know you have to have to have a chance, do you feel the anxious moments out there?
JIM FURYK: Yeah. I mean, I had a couple of those coming in. I hit a lot of good golf shots today. I had a lot of opportunities. Didn't see a lot of putts go in.
On the last five holes I made four good putts. It was nice to make them when they counted. I had a couple, as you said, 6-footers for par there on 5 and 9.
Q. Right.
JIM FURYK: Yeah, I mean, I hit a good tee shot at 9. I was a little surprised how far the 3-wood went. I would've loved to have had a wedge or a -iron in my hand there and another chance to attack and maybe make another birdie.
Q. What were the biggest differences between yesterday and today? The weather might've been a factor. It appears the breezes are up a little bit today.
JIM FURYK: Well, it's always easier when you go out in the morning. The greens are fresher. You got an opportunity to shoot a better score all the time in the morning.
But I really didn't play well yesterday. Hit the ball actually quite poorly. Getting a little disgusted with my ball striking starting at the PGA where I felt like I hit the ball really well most of the year, to be honest with you.
Hit the ball pretty well in Canada, and then at the PGA fell into some bad habits and really kind of gutted it out to get it around to make the cut. Didn't play well.
Kind of brought that same game here. Something clicked on the golf course late last night. I hit a couple shots that made sense. I spent some time texting with my dad and we worked on my setup a little bit last night by phone and text.
Was out there late last night hitting some shots and really actually felt good about coming out today. I didn't know if I could bring it. I feel like my feet, my stance got a little open. It was either causing me to hit the ball left if I hit it solid or kind of drop the club in behind me and hit a weak fan to the right.
That's kind of the tee shots I've had for the last couple weeks. Today I was able to get through the ball a lot better. I hit the ball a lot more solid, a lot harder, down the line, and really hit a lot of golf shots today and had a lot of opportunities.
I didn't make a bunch of putts, but just go out there and shoot a good number.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2016-08-05 17:13:00 GMT