Travelers Championship
Friday, August 5, 2016
Patrick Rodgers
Quick Quotes
Q. Talk about what was going right for you out there?
PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, thanks. It's nice to get a good round in there, especially this afternoon, and the greens got a little bumpy as they always do in the afternoon at a TOUR event, so it was nice to see some putts go in. Great position for the weekend. It's a bunched leaderboard, so I know I've got to play some really good golf this weekend, so just keep plugging away.
Q. The wind kind of picked up in the afternoon. How did you adjust for that?
PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, a little unexpected. I thought it was supposed to be about the same both days, but it really picked up there on my back nine, so I just tried to stay really present and hit it as quality shots as I could and I was able to string a couple birdies through that tough stretch, which was key for my round for sure.
Q. You're going into the weekend one off the lead, what's the plan?
PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, like I said, just keep plugging away. There's a lot of guys that have a chance. It's a really bunched leaderboard. The difference between the cut and the lead isn't very much. Anyone this weekend really has a chance, so I need to make a lot of birdies and stay aggressive.
Q. What was going right for you today?
PATRICK RODGERS: Yeah, it was nice to string some birdies there along the back nine when the conditions got tough. The wind started to pick up, and I was playing some holes that were back into the breeze and was able to see a few putts slip in there, and nice to finish strong with birdies on 16 and 18 for sure.
Q. In particular what went well for you as far as your game day? Was it a group of clubs?
PATRICK RODGERS: Good balance today probably was the key to my round and my week so far. I don't feel like any area really stands out, but I'm just playing really smart, staying very present, trying to control the things that I can out there. I know it all sounds cliché, but that's kind of the secrets to playing well out here. I feel like I've just done a good job of that, and nothing has been all that special, but it's nice to see my name up there towards the top.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-08-05 22:46:00 GMT